Statuesque Humor: A Dubrovnik Misadventure

In this episode, we'll dive into the charming cobbled streets of Dubrovnik for a tale of mistaken identities, laughter, and the timeless beauty of friendship.

Hr: Nekad davno, u starom gradu Dubrovniku, sunce se igralo sa kamenim pločama ulica i izmamilo topao osmijeh na lica šetača.
En: Long ago, in the old city of Dubrovnik, the sun played with the stone slabs of the streets and brought warm smiles to the faces of the pedestrians.

Hr: Marta, Ivan i Petar su se šetali uskim uličicama ovog prekrasnog grada punog povijesti.
En: Marta, Ivan, and Petar strolled through the narrow streets of this beautiful city, full of history.

Hr: Marta, sa svojim radosnim očima i zaraznom energijom, voljela je iznenađenja i avanture.
En: Marta, with her joyful eyes and infectious energy, loved surprises and adventures.

Hr: Iako je bila sa svojim prijateljima Ivanom, tihu dušu koji je volio mir, i Petrom, šaljivdžijom koji je u svemu nalazio humor, sadržaj priče počinje kad Marta ugleda figure odjevenu u živopisne kostime.
En: Even though she was with her friends Ivan, a quiet soul who loved peace, and Petar, a joker who found humor in everything, the story starts when Marta spots figures dressed in colorful costumes.

Hr: "Petre, Ivan, pogledajte!
En: "Petar, Ivan, look!"

Hr: " uzviknula je Marta, trčeći prema uličnom umjetniku koji je stajao nepomično kao kip, obojan u zlatnoj boji i s velikim crnim šeširom.
En: Marta exclaimed, running towards the street artist who stood motionless like a statue, painted in gold and wearing a large black hat.

Hr: "Mislim da je to naš prijatelj Marko, voli se šaliti s tim kostimima!
En: "I think that's our friend Marko, he loves joking around with those costumes!"

Hr: "Marta je stala pred uličnog umjetnika, gledajući ga sa širokim osmijehom.
En: Marta stood in front of the street artist, looking at him with a broad smile.

Hr: "Marko, ma prestani se praviti kip, poznajem te!
En: "Marko, stop pretending to be a statue, I know it's you!"

Hr: " rekla je veselo i započela živahni monolog s njim, misleći da je njen prijatelj.
En: she said cheerfully, starting a lively monologue with him, thinking he was her friend.

Hr: "Znaš, Ivan je mislio da ćemo te sresti ovdje.
En: "You know, Ivan thought we'd meet you here.

Hr: Nemoj se praviti da me ne poznaješ!
En: Don't act like you don't know me!"

Hr: "Ulični umjetnik, profesionalac u svojoj ulozi, nije micao ni mišić.
En: The street artist, a professional in his role, didn't move a muscle.

Hr: Marta, misleći da je to dio njegove šale, nastavila je razgovarati i smijati se, raspitivajući se o njegovim posljednjim dogodovštinama i zbijajući šale kao što su uvijek radili.
En: Marta, thinking it was part of his joke, continued to talk and laugh, asking about his latest adventures and cracking jokes as they always did.

Hr: Ivan i Petar su se smijali sa strane, shvativši zabunu, ali nisu htjeli prekinuti njenu zabavu.
En: Ivan and Petar laughed on the side, realizing the misunderstanding, but didn't want to interrupt her fun.

Hr: Prošli su šetači, bacajući znatiželjne poglede na Martu koja entuzijastično razgovara sa kipom.
En: Passersby walked by, casting curious glances at Marta, who was enthusiastically talking to the "statue."

Hr: Neki su se smijali, neki su bili zbunjeni, a djeca su tajanstveno gledala u "kip" koji je privlačio toliko pažnje.
En: Some laughed, some were confused, and children mysteriously watched the "statue" that attracted so much attention.

Hr: Nakon nekoliko minuta zabave, pravi Marko je stigao, tapšajući Martu po leđima.
En: After a few minutes of fun, the real Marko arrived, patting Marta on the back.

Hr: "Hej, o čemu to pričaš sa svojim novim prijateljem?
En: "Hey, what are you talking about with your new friend?"

Hr: " pitao je s osmijehom.
En: he asked with a smile.

Hr: Marta se okrenula u čudu i kroz smijeh shvatila da je cijelo vrijeme pričala s pravim uličnim umjetnikom, a ne s Markom.
En: Marta turned around in amazement and through laughter realized that she had been talking to the real street artist the whole time, not Marko.

Hr: Njeni obrazi su se zarumenili, ali nije mogla prestati se smijati na vlastiti račun.
En: Her cheeks turned red, but she couldn't stop laughing at her own expense.

Hr: Ulični umjetnik se napokon pomaknuo, skidajući kapu kao znak zahvale na pažnji i novcu koji su prolaznici ubacili unutra.
En: The street artist finally moved, tipping his hat as a sign of gratitude for the attention and the money that passersby had dropped inside.

Hr: "Bravo Marta, najbolja si publika koju sam imao!
En: "Bravo, Marta, you're the best audience I've had!"

Hr: " rekao je s toplim osmijehom.
En: he said with a warm smile.

Hr: Marta, Ivan, Petar i Marko su se zajedno smijali i nastavili svoju šetnju kroz starograd Dubrovnika, pričajući o Martinoj zabuni koja je, bez sumnje, postala jedna od najsmješnijih uspomena njihovog putovanja.
En: Marta, Ivan, Petar, and Marko laughed together and continued their walk through the old town of Dubrovnik, talking about Marta's mix-up, which undoubtedly became one of the funniest memories of their journey.

Hr: Sunce je i dalje sjalo, ulice su šaptale priče brojnih naraštaja, a Marta je dobila novu priču koju će dijeliti sa svima koji žele čuti avanture u slikovitim ulicama Dubrovnika.
En: The sun still shone, the streets whispered the tales of generations, and Marta gained a new story to share with anyone wanting to hear about adventures in the picturesque streets of Dubrovnik.