The Forgotten Birthday: A Night of Surprises in Barcelona

In this episode, we'll follow Marc as he overcomes the challenge of forgetting his girlfriend's birthday and creates an unforgettable surprise celebration in the heart of Barcelona, filled with culinary delights, romantic moments, and cherished memories.

Ca: Una llum tènue es filtra per l'antiga reixa de forja de la finestra.
En: A dim light filters through the ancient wrought iron grille of the window.

Ca: És divendres a Barcelona i Marc, l'atrapat en aquesta delicada situació, es troba perplexe davant el calendari penjat a la paret.
En: It's Friday in Barcelona and Marc, trapped in this delicate situation, stands perplexed in front of the calendar hanging on the wall.

Ca: "Deu meu!
En: "Oh my God!

Ca: Avui és l'aniversari de la Marta!
En: Today is Marta's birthday!"

Ca: " Es lamenta.
En: he laments.

Ca: El cor li batega tan fort que gairebé pot sentir l'eco dels seus batecs contra les parets del petit apartament al cor del Barri Gòtic.
En: His heart beats so fast that he can almost hear the echo of its beats against the walls of the small apartment in the heart of the Gothic Quarter.

Ca: S'imagina la cara de Marta, la seva núvia des de fa dos anys, quan es desperti i es doni compte que ell ha oblidat la data.
En: He imagines Marta's face, his girlfriend for the past two years, when she wakes up and realizes that he has forgotten the date.

Ca: Però Marc, un bon català, no és home d'admetre la derrota tan fàcilment.
En: But Marc, a good Catalan, is not one to admit defeat so easily.

Ca: Agafa el telèfon i comença a trucar amb esperança al prestigiós restaurant "Els 4 Gats", famós per la seva exquisida cuina catalana.
En: He grabs the phone and starts calling hopefully the prestigious restaurant "Els 4 Gats," famous for its exquisite Catalan cuisine.

Ca: Sap que és tard, però ho ha d'intentar.
En: He knows it's late, but he has to try.

Ca: Amb tota la sort del món, aconsegueix una taula pel vespre.
En: With all the luck in the world, he manages to secure a table for the evening.

Ca: Somrient, organitza el dia per preparar la sorpresa.
En: Smiling, he organizes the day to prepare the surprise.

Ca: La Marta, encara adormida, no té ni idea del que li espera.
En: Marta, still asleep, has no idea what awaits her.

Ca: Quan ella es lleva, nota que hi ha alguna cosa diferent.
En: When she wakes up, she notices that something is different.

Ca: Marc sembla estranyament alegre.
En: Marc seems oddly cheerful.

Ca: Marta, de mica en mica, es planta la idea que potser ell havia oblidat el seu aniversari.
En: Slowly, Marta starts to suspect that perhaps he had forgotten her birthday.

Ca: A la tarda, Marc li diu que surtin a donar un passeig.
En: In the afternoon, Marc suggests they go for a walk.

Ca: El sol està a punt de pondre's quan arriben a un carreró estret, flanquejat per edificis de pedra medieval.
En: The sun is about to set when they arrive at a narrow alley, flanked by medieval stone buildings.

Ca: Alla mateix, descobreixen "Els 4 Gats".
En: Right there, they discover "Els 4 Gats."

Ca: Una olor de pa acabat de coure emergeix del restaurant, les llums es reflecteixen delicadament en el vidre de les finestres i la música suau es barreja amb el murmuri dels comensals.
En: The smell of freshly baked bread emanates from the restaurant, the lights delicately reflect on the glass windows, and soft music mixes with the murmurs of the diners.

Ca: La Marta està al·lucinada.
En: Marta is amazed.

Ca: Dins del restaurant, els serveixen un sopar deliciós.
En: Inside the restaurant, they are served a delicious dinner.

Ca: Un menú complet de plats tradicionals catalans.
En: A complete menu of traditional Catalan dishes.

Ca: Amb la última forquilla de crema catalana, la Marta surt del seu somni per a dir-li a Marc: "Aquest és el millor aniversari de la meva vida, gràcies.
En: With the last bite of crema catalana, Marta wakes up from her dream to tell Marc, "This is the best birthday of my life, thank you."

Ca: "Marc somriu, alleujat.
En: Marc smiles, relieved.

Ca: Ha aconseguit salvar la situació.
En: He managed to salvage the situation.

Ca: Aquella nit, entre rialles i petons a la llum de les estrelles, a la ciutat que mai dorm, tot estava ben bé.
En: That night, amidst laughter and kisses under the starry sky, in the city that never sleeps, everything was just fine.

Ca: Al final, Marc no havia oblidat l'aniversari, si no que l'havia convertit en un record inoblidable.
En: In the end, Marc hadn't forgotten the birthday, he had turned it into an unforgettable memory.