The Hidden Treasure of Snowdonia: A Magical Discovery

In this episode, we'll uncover the surprising discovery of a magical artifact in the heart of Snowdonia, and explore the journey of one hiker who helped protect a piece of ancient history.

Cy: O dan y coed tal Snowdonia, roedd Gareth yn cerdded yn araf.
En: Under the tall trees of Snowdonia, Gareth was walking slowly.

Cy: Edrychodd o gwmpas y mynyddoedd uchel a llynnoedd hardd.
En: He looked around at the high mountains and beautiful lakes.

Cy: Roedd y dydd yn braf ond oedd gwynt y mynydd yn oer.
En: The day was fine, but the mountain wind was cold.

Cy: Roedd Gareth yn hoff o fynydda.
En: Gareth loved hiking.

Cy: Hoffai'r tirlun eang a'r synau tawel.
En: He liked the vast landscape and the quiet sounds.

Cy: Yn sydyn, cododd rhywbeth diddorol ei lygaid.
En: Suddenly, something interesting caught his eye.

Cy: Roedd cerrig anghyffredin ar y llawr.
En: There were unusual stones on the ground.

Cy: Yna, gwelodd Gareth rhywbeth yn disgleirio rhwng y cerrig.
En: Then, Gareth saw something shining among the stones.

Cy: Agosodd i edrych yn fanylach.
En: He moved closer to take a better look.

Cy: Roedd arteffact aur yn yno!
En: There was a golden artifact!

Cy: Roedd yn hen ac yn llawn patrymau cymhleth.
En: It was old and full of intricate patterns.

Cy: Dechreuodd Gareth deimlo cyffro.
En: Gareth started to feel excited.

Cy: Beth allai'r peth hwn fod?
En: What could this thing be?

Cy: Roedd ganddo arysgrifion nad oedd yn gallu deall.
En: It had inscriptions that he couldn't understand.

Cy: Chwilio Gareth drwy ei fag.
En: Gareth searched through his bag.

Cy: Cymerodd beicau papur allan ac ysgrifennodd am yr arteffact.
En: He took out a notebook and wrote about the artifact.

Cy: "Angen atebion," meddai wrth ei hun.
En: "Need answers," he said to himself.

Cy: Aeth Gareth i'r pentref lleol.
En: Gareth went to the local village.

Cy: Cerddodd i mewn i siop lyfrau hen.
En: He walked into an old bookshop.

Cy: Gwyddai mai dyma'r lle i ddod o hyd i wybodaeth amlwg.
En: He knew this was the place to find obvious information.

Cy: Daeth yr hen berchennog, Mari, yn araf i'r ddesg.
En: The old owner, Mari, slowly came to the desk.

Cy: Roedd hi'n fenyw ddoeth gyda llygaid caredig.
En: She was a wise woman with kind eyes.

Cy: Dangosodd Gareth y darn aur iddi.
En: Gareth showed her the golden piece.

Cy: Dywedodd hi, “Hyn yw hen artifact hud.
En: She said, "This is an ancient magical artifact.

Cy: Digwyddiad prin yn wir!
En: A rare occurrence indeed!"

Cy: ”Aeth Mari ati i esbonio mai hoffai'r duwiau'r arteffact anhygoel hwn.
En: Mari went on to explain that the gods favored this incredible artifact.

Cy: Roedd yn arbennig iawn ac yn llawn pwer.
En: It was very special and full of power.

Cy: "Yn y dyddiau hen, roedd yn cael ei ddefnyddio i helpu nifer o bobl," meddai Mari.
En: "In ancient times, it was used to help many people," said Mari.

Cy: Roedd Gareth yn rhyfeddu.
En: Gareth was amazed.

Cy: Dechreuodd Gareth ddysgu mwy am yr arteffact.
En: Gareth began to learn more about the artifact.

Cy: Penderfynodd eu bod yn mynd i gadw'r peth yn ddiogel o dan ofal y siop llyfrau.
En: They decided to keep it safe under the care of the bookshop.

Cy: Cydweithiodd gyda Mari i sicrhau na fyddai'n syrthio i'r dwylo anghywir.
En: He worked with Mari to ensure it wouldn't fall into the wrong hands.

Cy: Teimlai fod ei antur wedi dod i ben yn llwyddiannus.
En: He felt that his adventure had ended successfully.

Cy: A dyna sut, gyda chymorth Mari, sicrhaodd Gareth dynged yr arteffact hudol hwnnw.
En: And so, with Mari's help, Gareth secured the fate of the magical artifact.

Cy: Roedd yn falch o fod wedi cyfrannu at gadw darn o hanes yn ddiogel.
En: He was proud to have helped keep a piece of history safe.

Cy: Roedd ei galon yn llawn boddhad, ac eglurodd y stori i bawb wrth ildio i'r fforestydd o Snowdonia am un tro olaf.
En: His heart was full of satisfaction, and he told the story to everyone while he headed back into the forests of Snowdonia one last time.

Cy: Roedd Wales wedi cael un arall o'i trysorau yn saff heddiw.
En: Wales had another one of its treasures safe today.