In this episode, we'll follow the journey of three friends as they navigate the challenges of 'La Bòllica' in the heart of Barcelona, discovering the power of perseverance and friendship over a game of cards.
Ca: Barcelona sempre s'ha caracteritzat per ser una ciutat vibrant i colorida, plena d’activitats i vida. Prop de la plaça del Pi, en un petit carreró amagat entre els edificis antic, s'ubica un café tranquil anomenat "La Tetera Vermella". Allà, un divendres a la nit, trobem els nostres protagonistes: Laia, Arnau i Martí.
En: Barcelona has always been characterized as a vibrant and colorful city, full of activities and life. Near Plaça del Pi, in a small alley hidden between old buildings, there is a quiet café called "The Red Teapot". There, on a Friday night, we find our protagonists: Laia, Arnau, and Martí.
Ca: Laia i Arnau són germans bessons, de rostres somrients, amb el cabell roig com el foc. Martí, amb el seu pentinat a la moda i la seva perpetua expressió pensativa, és el seu millor amic.
En: Laia and Arnau are twin siblings, with smiling faces and hair as red as fire. Martí, with his trendy hairstyle and his perpetual pensive expression, is their best friend.
Ca: Aquella nit, tenien previst jugar a "La Bòllica", un joc de cartes català molt popular. Però aquí hi ha el problema: Martí no sap com es juga. Ha estat intentant aprendre les regles tota la setmana, però no ho aconsegueix. Laia i Arnau li han explicat una i altra vegada, però les instruccions semblen desaparèixer de la ment de Martí com la fum al vent.
En: That night, they planned to play "La Bòllica", a popular Catalan card game. But here lies the problem: Martí doesn't know how to play. He has been trying to learn the rules all week, but he can't seem to grasp them. Laia and Arnau have explained it to him over and over, but the instructions seem to vanish from Martí's mind like smoke in the wind.
Ca: S'asseuen a una taula a prop de la finestra, des d'on es poden veure els colors de les llums de la plaça del Pi. Obren la baralla de cartes i Martí sospira. "Hauré d'aprendre aquest joc, tant si m'agrada com si no", diu.
En: They sit at a table near the window, from where they can see the colors of the lights in Plaça del Pi. They open the deck of cards, and Martí sighs. "I will have to learn this game, whether I like it or not," he says.
Ca: Durant hores de paciència i molts cafès, Laia i Arnau li expliquen les regles. Els trucs per comptar els punts, com fer la jugada perfecta, en quin ordre s'han de descartar les cartes... Martí, però, no entén ningú d'aquests conceptes. Però està decidit a no donar-se per vençut.
En: Through hours of patience and many coffees, Laia and Arnau explain the rules to him. The tricks to count the points, how to make the perfect move, in what order to discard the cards... Martí, however, doesn't understand any of these concepts. But he is determined not to give up.
Ca: Finalment, quan el café es va fent buit i els carrers de Barcelona es tornen silenciosos, Martí fa clic. De sobte, els llargs discursos de regles i estratègies de joc comencen a adquirir sentit. Ara entén el joc! Un somriure se li apareix a la cara. Fa la seva jugada, arriscada però brillant, deixant Laia i Arnau de pedra.
En: Finally, as the café empties and the streets of Barcelona grow silent, Martí clicks. Suddenly, the long speeches of rules and game strategies start to make sense. Now he understands the game! A smile appears on his face. He makes his move, risky but brilliant, leaving Laia and Arnau stunned.
Ca: La partida acaba i tots es posen d'acord que ha estat la més divertida fins avui. Aquesta nit, el cafe "La Tetera Vermella" ha estat testimoni d'un petit triomf en una batalla personal. Tots tres riuen, celebren i es prometen tornar a jugar el pròxim divendres.
En: The game ends, and they all agree that it has been the most fun so far. That night, "The Red Teapot" café has witnessed a small triumph in a personal battle. The three of them laugh, celebrate, and promise to play again next Friday.
Ca: Així, amb Martí convertit en un nou aficionat de "La Bòllica", finalitza la nostra història. Barcelona segueix vibrant i colorida però, en aquest petit carreró, tres amics han compartit una nit de joc, somriures i triomf personal. Després de tot, les grans ciutats estan fetes de petits moments com aquest.
En: And so, with Martí becoming a new fan of "La Bòllica", our story comes to an end. Barcelona continues to be vibrant and colorful, but in this small alley, three friends have shared a night of gaming, smiles, and personal triumph. After all, great cities are made of small moments like this.