explore the misadventures of three friends in Ljubljana as a harmless prank turns into an unforgettable day.
Sl: Nekega lepega, sončnega dne so se trije prijatelji, Tadej, Luka in Ana, odločili za sprehod po čudovitem mestu Ljubljana.
En: One beautiful, sunny day, three friends, Tadej, Luka, and Ana, decided to take a walk through the wonderful city of Ljubljana.
Sl: Mesto je bilo polno barv in ulice so vrvele od ljudi.
En: The city was full of colors and the streets were bustling with people.
Sl: Tadej, vedno zabaven in poln energije, je tekal sem ter tja in se čudil lepotam mesta.
En: Tadej, always fun and full of energy, was running back and forth, marveling at the city's beauty.
Sl: Luka, bolj umirjen, je užival v sončnih žarkih in opazoval ljudi.
En: Luka, more calm, was enjoying the sunlight and observing the people.
Sl: Ana pa je ves čas iskala popolne prizore, ki bi jih lahko ujela s svojim fotoaparatom.
En: Ana, on the other hand, was constantly looking for perfect scenes to capture with her camera.
Sl: Ko so prišli na tržnico, se je Tadej nenadoma ustavil.
En: When they reached the market, Tadej suddenly stopped.
Sl: "Poglejte!
En: "Look!"
Sl: " je vzkliknil in pokazal na skulpturo, ki je stala sredi trga.
En: he exclaimed, pointing to a sculpture in the middle of the square.
Sl: Ana in Luka sta se ozrla, ampak Luka je nenadoma ujel nekaj, kar ga je pritegnilo v bližnjem kiosku, in se brez besed odmaknil od skupine.
En: Ana and Luka looked over, but Luka suddenly noticed something that drew him to a nearby kiosk and silently moved away from the group.
Sl: Tadej, ki Luke ni videl oditi, je bil prepričan, da je skulptura pred njim pravzaprav Luka.
En: Tadej, not seeing Luka leave, was convinced that the sculpture in front of him was actually Luka.
Sl: Skulptura je bila namreč zelo realistična in v pozi, ki je Luke spominjala na Luka, ko je razmišljal.
En: The sculpture was indeed very realistic and in a pose that reminded Tadej of Luka when he was contemplating.
Sl: "Pridi, Ana!
En: "Come here, Ana!
Sl: Poglej, kako izvirno!
En: Look how original!
Sl: Luka se je oblekel kot skulptura!
En: Luka dressed up as the sculpture!"
Sl: " je v smehu nagovoril Ano in hitro stal ob 'skulpturi'.
En: he said with a laugh, addressing Ana, and quickly stood next to the "sculpture."
Sl: Zahihital je ter se začel pogovarjati z 'Luko'.
En: He chuckled and started talking to "Luka."
Sl: "Ha, dober trik, Luka!
En: "Ha, nice trick, Luka!
Sl: Bova videla, če te lahko kdo razlikuje od prave skulpture!
En: Let's see if anyone can tell you apart from the real sculpture!"
Sl: " je dejal Tadej in si nadel smešen izraz na obraz za fotografijo, ki jo je Ana, še vedno zmedena, vendar navdušena nad dogajanjem, posnela.
En: Tadej said, putting on a silly expression for a photo, which Ana, still confused but enthusiastic about what was happening, took.
Sl: Po nekaj trenutkih smejanja se je Tadej pripravil, da 'skulpturi' pove še en smešen vic, ko se je 'skulptura' nenadoma premaknila.
En: After a few moments of laughter, Tadej prepared to tell another funny joke to the "sculpture" when it suddenly moved.
Sl: Tadej je obstal, obraz mu je zbledel in oči so se razširile od presenečenja.
En: Tadej stopped, his face paled, and his eyes widened in surprise.
Sl: "Ampak, ti si Luka!
En: "But, you're Luka!"
Sl: " je zaklical, ko je njegov um dojel, da je to ves čas bil njegov prijatelj.
En: he exclaimed when his mind realized that it had been his friend all along.
Sl: Luka se je začel smejati do solz, ko je razkril svojo potegavščino.
En: Luka burst into laughter as he revealed his prank.
Sl: "Nisem mogel verjeti, da si me res zamenjal za skulpturo!
En: "I couldn't believe you actually mistook me for a sculpture!"
Sl: " je rekel med smehom.
En: he said amidst laughter.
Sl: Ana je vsa tačas zbirala moč, da ne bi pustila, da smeh uide iz njenih pljuč, ob tem pa je z veseljem posnela celotno dogodivščino.
En: Meanwhile, Ana was trying to contain her laughter, determined not to let it escape from her lungs, while happily capturing the whole adventure on her camera.
Sl: Na koncu so se vsi trije prijatelji smejali dogodku, medtem ko so si na Aninem zaslonu fotoaparata ogledovali zabavne slike.
En: In the end, all three friends laughed about the incident, while they looked at amusing pictures on Ana's camera screen.
Sl: Spoznali so, da so prav takšni nesporazumi in zabavni trenutki tisto, kar njihovo prijateljstvo dela tako posebno in nepozabno.
En: They realized that such misunderstandings and funny moments were what made their friendship so special and unforgettable.
Sl: Zgodba o 'živi skulpturi' Tadeja, Luke in Ane je hitro postala legendarna med njihovimi prijatelji in vsakič, ko so prešli mimo trga v Ljubljani, so se s prijatelji šalili na račun tistega zmedenega dne.
En: The story of the "living sculpture" of Tadej, Luka, and Ana quickly became legendary among their friends, and every time they passed by the square in Ljubljana, they would joke about that confused day with their friends.