Treasured Family Flavors: Shanghai-Style Steamed Fish

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Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese
Treasured Family Flavors: Shanghai-Style Steamed Fish

Story Transcript:
Zh: 感受着厨房的温馨,爱书、依依和爸爸妈妈迫不及待地准备了自己最爱吃的家庭餐。
En: Feeling the warmth of the kitchen, Aishu, Yiyi, and their parents were excited to make their favorite family meal.

Zh: 海派清蒸鱼的香味已经弥漫在他们家。
En: The smell of the Shanghai-style steamed fish was already filling their home.

Zh: 爱书和依依的父母准备了一上午的饭菜。
En: Aishu and Yiyi’s parents had been preparing the meal all morning.

Zh: 爱书和依依都看过这个菜谱,但每次都很特别。
En: Aishu and Yiyi had seen this recipe before, but each time was special.

Zh: 每一种成分都经过精心挑选和准备,就像他们的中国祖先世世代代所做的那样。
En: Each ingredient was carefully selected and prepared just like their Chinese ancestors had done for generations.

Zh: 一家人决定做一顿清蒸鱼、酸菜、炒茄子的全餐。
En: The family had decided to make a complete meal of steamed fish, pickled vegetables, and stir-fried eggplant.

Zh: 爱书和依依看着爸爸妈妈把鱼切成薄片,用特制的香料和酱油腌制好,小心翼翼地放到一个大锅里。
En: Aishu and Yiyi watched as their parents cut the fish into thin slices, marinated them with a special blend of spices and soy sauce, and placed them carefully into a large pot.

Zh: 而泡菜则是依依的父亲亲手制作的,酸酸甜甜的味道绝妙。
En: Meanwhile, the pickled vegetables were being crafted by Yiyi’s father, who had a special knack for creating the perfect blend of sweet and sour flavors.

Zh: 他加了大蒜、生姜和辣椒来提味。
En: He added garlic, ginger, and chilies to bring out the flavor.

Zh: 依依负责茄子,爱书帮忙准备鱼。
En: Yiyi was in charge of the eggplant while Aishu helped prepare the fish.

Zh: 将茄子切成细丝后,依依迅速在炒锅中加了少许油、酱油和蒜末翻炒。
En: After slicing the eggplant into thin strips, Yiyi quickly stir-fried it in a wok with a bit of oil, soy sauce, and garlic.

Zh: 茄子的香味夹杂着厨房里其他的香味,让依依的肚子咕咕直叫,充满了期待。
En: The smell of the eggplant mixed with the other fragrances of the kitchen and made Yiyi’s stomach rumble with anticipation.

Zh: 菜品上好后,一家人围坐在餐桌旁,细细品味这顿饭的独特风味。
En: Once the dishes were complete, the family gathered around the table and savored the unique flavors of their meal.

Zh: 吃饭的时候,父母讲述了他们在上海的故事,以及烹饪传统菜肴的重要性。
En: As they ate, the parents told stories about their time in Shanghai and the importance of cooking traditional dishes.

Zh: 爱树和依依敬畏地听着父母分享他们童年的回忆。
En: Aishu and Yiyi listened in awe as their parents shared memories of their childhood.

Zh: 这顿饭真实地体现了这个家庭的传统,并提醒他们之前的许多代人都烹制过同样的食物。
En: The meal was a true representation of the family’s heritage and a reminder of the many generations before them who had cooked the same food.

Zh: 爱书和依依很感激能有机会体验到如此独特而美味的一餐。
En: Aishu and Yiyi felt grateful for the opportunity to experience such a unique and delicious meal.

Zh: 饭菜快结束的时候,爱书和依依环顾餐桌四周,看着他们恩爱的一家人。
En: As the meal came to an end, Aishu and Yiyi looked around the table at their loving family.

Zh: 他们感到很幸运能被如此优秀的人包围并享用如此美味的一餐。
En: They felt so lucky to be surrounded by such wonderful people and to have such a wonderful meal.

Zh: 他们知道这一刻是一个特殊的时刻,他们会在未来的岁月里珍惜。
En: They knew this moment was a special one that they would cherish for years to come.

Vocabulary Words:
爱书 : Aishu
依依 : Yiyi
厨房 : kitchen
家庭餐 : family meal
海派 : Shanghai-style
清蒸鱼 : steamed fish
成分 : ingredient
祖先 : ancestors
世世代代 : generations
鱼 : fish
薄片 : slices
香料 : spices
酱油 : soy sauce
大锅 : large pot
酸菜 : pickled vegetables
甜 : sweet
酸 : sour
大蒜 : garlic
生姜 : ginger
辣椒 : chilies
茄子 : eggplant
细丝 : thin strips
炒锅 : wok
油 : oil
翻炒 : stir-fried
香味 : fragrances
肚子 : stomach
故事 : stories
传统 : heritage
时刻 : moment