Spicy Surprises: A Barcelona Tapas Date Turns into a Memorable Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Spanish www.FluentFiction.org/Spanish Story Transcript: Es: Bajo el lienzo de la Ciudad Condal, Barcelona, existía una peculiar pareja, Alejandro y Sofía. En: Under the canvas of the City of Counts, Barcelona, there existed a peculiar couple, Alejandro and Sofía. Es: Ambos, ansiosos por explorar la vibrante vida nocturna de la ciudad, eligieron un…

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Brunch with Friends: A Heartwarming Day in Berlin

Fluent Fiction – German www.FluentFiction.org/German Story Transcript: De: In der großen Stadt Berlin lebt ein Mädchen namens Anna. En: In the big city of Berlin, a girl named Anna lives. De: Anna liebt es, mit ihren Freunden Zeit zu verbringen. En: Anna loves spending time with her friends. De: An einem sonnigen Sonntagmorgen plant sie,…

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The Triumph of Tongue Twisters: A Tale of Overcoming Challenges

Fluent Fiction – Polish www.FluentFiction.org/Polish Story Transcript: Pl: W piękne popołudnie, słońce świeciło jasno nad Krakowem. En: On a beautiful afternoon, the sun shone brightly over Krakow. Pl: Wojciech, młody chłopiec o złocistych włosach i błękitnych oczach, siedział na ławce na Rynku Głównym. En: Wojciech, a young boy with golden hair and blue eyes, sat…

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Luigi’s Lesson: A Heartwarming Tale of Harmony in St. Mark’s Square

Fluent Fiction – Italian www.FluentFiction.org/Italian Story Transcript: It: In una soleggiata domenica di luglio, Luigi, un bambino curioso e vivace di dieci anni, passeggiava con la sua famiglia attraverso lo splendore mozzafiato di Piazza San Marco a Venezia, un luogo che con la sua maestosità invitava visitatori da ogni angolo del mondo. En: On a…

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Love Blooms in the Colorful Gardens

Fluent Fiction – Dutch www.FluentFiction.org/Dutch Love Blooms in the Colorful Gardens Story Transcript: Nl: Anna stond te staren naar de kleurrijke tulpen op een prachtige lentedag in de Keukenhof. En: Anna was staring at the colorful tulips on a beautiful spring day in Keukenhof. Nl: Ze had zelfs haar mooiste jurk aangetrokken. En: She had…

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Mystery Cabin on the Mountain

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Mystery Cabin on the Mountain Story Transcript: Nb: Ingrid, Lars og Magnus var glade for å dra på skitur til fjellet i vakre Voss. En: Ingrid, Lars and Magnus were happy to go on a ski trip to the mountains in beautiful Voss. Nb: De hadde planlagt turen lenge og…

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Lost in Nature: A Miraculous Mountain Escape

Fluent Fiction – Norwegian www.FluentFiction.org/Norwegian Lost in Nature: A Miraculous Mountain Escape Story Transcript: Nb: Ingrid og Johan var et forelsket par som bestemte seg for å dra på fjelltur i de vakre områdene rundt Sognefjorden. En: Ingrid and Johan were a couple in love who decided to go on a mountain trip in the…

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The Great Evening at the Wall

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew www.FluentFiction.org/Hebrew The Great Evening at the Wall Story Transcript: He: לאה הייתה ילדה צעירה, שרצתה לראות את הכותל המערבי בירושלים. En: Leah was a young girl who wanted to see the Western Wall in Jerusalem. He: היא לא הבנתה כמה משמעות יש במקום הזה, אבל רצתה להכיר את המקום הקדוש ביותר…

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El: Love Beyond Santorini: A New Beginning

Fluent Fiction – Greek www.FluentFiction.org/Greek Love Beyond Santorini: A New Beginning Story Transcript: El: Η Σαντορίνη ήταν πάντα ένας υπέροχος τόπος για να ερωτευτεί κανείς. En: Santorini has always been a wonderful place to fall in love. El: Στα καταγάλανα νερά της Μεσογείου και του Αιγαίου, ο ήλιος έλαμπε δυνατά και οι δρόμοι ήταν γεμάτοι…

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Love Beyond Santorini: A New Beginning

Fluent Fiction – Greek www.FluentFiction.org/Greek Love Beyond Santorini: A New Beginning Story Transcript: El: Η Σαντορίνη ήταν πάντα ένας υπέροχος τόπος για να ερωτευτεί κανείς. En: Santorini has always been a wonderful place to fall in love. El: Στα καταγάλανα νερά της Μεσογείου και του Αιγαίου, ο ήλιος έλαμπε δυνατά και οι δρόμοι ήταν γεμάτοι…

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