The Heirloom Hunt: An Athens Summer Adventure

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Η Αθήνα ήταν ζωντανή αυτό το καλοκαίρι. En: Athens was lively that summer. El: Ο Κώστας και η Ελένη περπατούσαν γρήγορα μέσα στην αγορά της πόλης, αναζητώντας έναν σημαντικό πωλητή. En: Kostas and Eleni were walking quickly through the city market, searching for an important vendor. El:…

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High Stakes and Hidden Identities: A Tokyo Poker Night Unraveled

Fluent Fiction – Japanese Story Transcript: Ja: 夏の夜、東京の高級ペントハウスでは、特別なポーカーゲームが始まろうとしていた。 En: On a summer night, in a luxury penthouse in Tokyo, a special poker game was about to begin. Ja: 窓の外には夏の熱気が漂い、街の明かりがきらめいていた。 En: Outside the window, the summer heat lingered, and the city’s lights sparkled. Ja: 部屋にはお盆の飾りが並び、華やかさと緊張感が共存していた。 En: Inside the room, Bon Festival decorations were displayed, creating…

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High Stakes and Heartstrings: A School Fundraiser’s Triumph

Fluent Fiction – Dutch Story Transcript: Nl: Het schooljaar kwam ten einde. En: The school year came to an end. Nl: In de hete zomeravond werd de gymzaal omgetoverd. En: On the hot summer evening, the gymnasium was transformed. Nl: Fairy lights hingen aan het plafond. En: Fairy lights hung from the ceiling. Nl:…

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Busan Fish Market: A Tale of Sibling Bond and Unyielding Love

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 부산의 번화한 어시장에는 생선 파는 소리와 갈매기 소리, 물이 첨벙거리는 소리로 가득 차 있다. En: In the bustling fish market of Busan, the air is filled with the sounds of people selling fish, seagulls crying, and water splashing. Ko: 사람들은 바쁨 속에 움직이며, 신선한 생선으로 가득한 가판대들…

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Sibling Struggle: A Midsummer Festival to Save a Family Café

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: I smala, kullerstensgatorna i Gamla stan i Stockholm, en varm sommardag, började Sofia och Erik sin diskussion. En: On the narrow, cobblestone streets of Gamla stan in Stockholm, on a warm summer day, Sofia and Erik began their discussion. Sv: Färgglada byggnader omgav dem, och sommarfestligheterna lockade…

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One Pumpkin Win: How Love and Culinary Adventures Conquered Taste

Fluent Fiction – Hebrew Story Transcript: He: יום שבת בצהריים. En: Saturday afternoon. He: השמש זורחת בשמיים, ואנשים מהלכים בשוק האיכרים הססגוני. En: The sun shines in the sky, and people stroll through the colorful farmers’ market. He: דוכני ירקות ופירות מצחינים מניחוחות טריים, פרחים צבעוניים זורחים בכל פינה, והמוכרים מחייכים בסבר פנים שווה.…

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High-Stakes Showdown: Secrets and Strategy at the Poker Table

Fluent Fiction – French Story Transcript: Fr: Le soleil d’été se couchait doucement, déversant une lumière dorée à travers les rideaux lourds de velours rouge. En: The summer sun was setting gently, casting a golden light through the heavy red velvet curtains. Fr: La pièce était sombre et élégante, remplie de meubles en cuir…

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Gambling Loss and a Friend’s Gift: A Heartwarming Turnaround

Fluent Fiction – Welsh Story Transcript: Cy: Ar y noson boeth o haf, roedd ystafell gymylog yn llawn o bobl gyda sglodion a chardiau yn eu dwylo. En: On a hot summer night, a smoky room was filled with people holding chips and cards. Cy: Y poker oedd y brif atyniad, ac ar ochr…

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Bluff and Bravery: A Summer’s Unexpected Turn at Tallinn Festival

Fluent Fiction – Estonian Story Transcript: Et: Tallinna suvefestival oli täies hoos. En: The Tallinn Summer Festival was in full swing. Et: Muusika mängis valjult ja rahvas tantsis igal pool. En: Music played loudly, and people danced everywhere. Et: Kert, noor muusik, kes armastas festivale, kõndis rõõmsalt läbi rahvamassi. En: Kert, a young musician…

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High-Stakes Write-Off: A Night of Debt, Dreams, and Destiny

Fluent Fiction – Catalan Story Transcript: Ca: La llum tènue il·luminava amb prou feines el vell tauler de fusta. En: The dim light barely illuminated the old wooden table. Ca: El fum de les cigarretes feia que l’aire fos dens i difícil de respirar. En: The cigarette smoke made the air thick and difficult…

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