A Night of Celebration: Fear, Courage, and the Power of Unity

In this episode, we'll dive into the heartwarming story of a family's journey from fear to courage, as they create an unforgettable celebration in the face of adversity.

Ca: El cel de Barcelona bullia d'energia.
En: The sky of Barcelona buzzed with energy.

Ca: Els crits de júbilo i les notes alegres d'una sardana omplien l'aire mentre les llues de focals dels petards il•luminaven la nit.
En: The shouts of joy and the cheerful notes of a sardana filled the air as the sparks from the fireworks illuminated the night.

Ca: El cor de Catalunya bategava fort.
En: The heart of Catalonia was beating strong.

Ca: La raó?
En: The reason?

Ca: La selecció catalana de futbol havia aconseguit una victòria espectacular.
En: The Catalan football team had achieved a spectacular victory.

Ca: I Marta, Jordi i Carla estaven preparats per celebrar-ho.
En: And Marta, Jordi, and Carla were ready to celebrate.

Ca: Marta, la més gran, era alta i primeta.
En: Marta, the oldest, was tall and slim.

Ca: Era divertida i valenta.
En: She was funny and brave.

Ca: Des del seu balcó que donava al Passeig de Gràcia ho veia tot.
En: From her balcony overlooking Passeig de Gràcia, she could see it all.

Ca: Mirava el carrer ple de gom a gom de gent ballant, cantant i cridant.
En: She watched the street packed with people dancing, singing, and cheering.

Ca: Estava una mica nerviosa.
En: She was a little nervous.

Ca: Encarregada de cuidar Jordi, el seu germà petit, i Carla, la seva néta, volia que tot anés bé.
En: In charge of taking care of Jordi, her little brother, and Carla, her granddaughter, she wanted everything to go well.

Ca: Jordi, el més petit, tenia els ulls com dues olives negres i el cor ple d'esperança.
En: Jordi, the youngest, had eyes like two black olives and a heart full of hope.

Ca: Amb la samarreta amb la bandera catalana, volia anar al carrer.
En: With a shirt adorned with the Catalan flag, he wanted to go to the street.

Ca: Riure.
En: To laugh.

Ca: Saltar.
En: To jump.

Ca: Celebrar.
En: To celebrate.

Ca: Però, Marta, la seva germana gran, li deia que tenia por.
En: But Marta, his older sister, told him she was afraid.

Ca: Carla, la més valenta, tenia el somriure d'un arc de Sant Martí.
En: Carla, the bravest, had a smile like a rainbow.

Ca: Vestida amb la camiseta de la selecció, tenia moltes ganes de ballar la sardana amb tothom.
En: Wearing the team jersey, she was eager to dance the sardana with everyone.

Ca: Volia estar al carrer.
En: She wanted to be on the street.

Ca: Però Marta, la seva àvia, li deia que era massa arriscat.
En: But Marta, her grandmother, told her it was too risky.

Ca: El riure va ser aturat pels crits d'un enrenou a la plaça.
En: Laughter was interrupted by the shouts of a commotion in the square.

Ca: Marta es va espantar.
En: Marta got scared.

Ca: Jordi va plorar.
En: Jordi cried.

Ca: Carla es va enfurismar.
En: Carla got angry.

Ca: L'enrenou es va convertir en por.
En: The commotion turned into fear.

Ca: Por de perdre-se en la multitud.
En: Fear of getting lost in the crowd.

Ca: Por de les ferides.
En: Fear of getting hurt.

Ca: Por de la incertesa.
En: Fear of uncertainty.

Ca: Per això, van agafar una decisió.
En: That's why they made a decision.

Ca: Si no podien anar a la festa, la festa vindria a ells.
En: If they couldn't go to the party, the party would come to them.

Ca: Van posar música al balcó.
En: They played music from the balcony.

Ca: Van encendre llums colorides.
En: They turned on colorful lights.

Ca: Van repartir xocolata amb melindros.
En: They handed out chocolate with melindros.

Ca: La gent al carrer va riure i va aplaudir.
En: The people on the street laughed and applauded.

Ca: Els músics van tocar més fort.
En: The musicians played louder.

Ca: Els ballarins ballaven més ràpid.
En: The dancers danced faster.

Ca: La por va ser substituïda per l'alegria.
En: Fear was replaced by joy.

Ca: Marta, Jordi i Carla van riure.
En: Marta, Jordi, and Carla laughed.

Ca: Van saltar.
En: They jumped.

Ca: Van celebrar.
En: They celebrated.

Ca: La nit va acabar amb cansament i satisfacció.
En: The night ended with fatigue and satisfaction.

Ca: La victòria de Catalunya havia estat celebrada.
En: Catalonia's victory had been celebrated.

Ca: La por havia desaparegut.
En: Fear had disappeared.

Ca: I Marta, Jordi i Carla estaven contents.
En: And Marta, Jordi, and Carla were content.

Ca: Havien tingut la millor festa al carrer que podrien haver imaginat des del balcó de casa seva.
En: They had had the best street party they could have imagined from their balcony.

Ca: Barcelona es va adormir amb un somriure.
En: Barcelona fell asleep with a smile.

Ca: Marta, Jordi i Carla també.
En: Marta, Jordi, and Carla too.

Ca: Sabien que la propera festa al carrer no els faria por.
En: They knew that the next street party wouldn't scare them.

Ca: Sabien que podrien celebrar de nou, ajudant-se entre ells, com havien fet aquella nit.
En: They knew they could celebrate again, helping each other, just like they had done that night.

Ca: I això, per a ells, era la millor victòria de totes.
En: And that, for them, was the greatest victory of all.

Ca: I potser no visqueren feliços per sempre perquè a la vida passen moltes coses, però aquella nit, en aquella ciutat, vestits amb les seves samarretes, això és tot el que van necessitar.
En: And perhaps they didn't live happily ever after because many things happen in life, but that night, in that city, dressed in their jerseys, that's all they needed.