Chaotic Market Mishap Unites a Village!

In this episode, we'll explore how a simple mistake at a market ignites a journey of chaos, laughter, and unexpected unity.

Cy: Roedd hi'n ddiwrnod heulog yn Eryri, a'r nefoedd yn las fel llygad glas.
En: It was a sunny day in Snowdonia, and the skies were as blue as a blue eye.

Cy: Gwen, merch ifanc a llawn brwdfrydedd, roedd yn cerdded trwy'r farchnad leol yn Nhywyn, yn llygadu'r stondinau sy'n gwerthu cynnyrch o bob math.
En: Gwen, a young and enthusiastic girl, was walking through the local market in Dywyn, eyeing the stands selling all sorts of products.

Cy: Nid oedd Gwen yn sylweddoli mai hi fyddai sbardun antur a fyddai'n siarad am flynyddoedd i ddod.
En: Little did Gwen realize that she would be the spark of an adventure that people would talk about for years to come.

Cy: Mewn camgymeriad digri ond difrifol, pwyso Gwen ar ryw foton ar ochr un o'r stondinau ac, yn sydyn iawn, dechreuodd seiniau uchel cerddoriaeth a gweiddi trwy uchelseinydd.
En: In a playful but serious mistake, Gwen leaned on a photo on one of the stands and, suddenly, loud music and shouting began through the loudspeaker.

Cy: “Croeso i’r gystadleuaeth bwrw defaid!
En: "Welcome to the sheep throwing contest!

Cy: Pwy fydd yn haeddu’r tlws?
En: Who will win the trophy?"

Cy: ” gwaeddodd y llais.
En: the voice shouted.

Cy: Suddodd Gwen yn ei hesgidiau, gan edrych o gwmpas mewn ofn a synnwyr digwyddodd pethau'n rhyfedd – nid y defaid oedd yn dechrau crwydro, ond y bobl!
En: Gwen was startled, looking around in fear and a sense of weirdness as things happened strangely - it wasn't the sheep that were starting to wander, but the people!

Cy: Dyma Dylan, gwron ifanc cryf a medrus, a Eira, merch gyda chalon fel ei henw, yn neidio i mewn i helpu.
En: Here was Dylan, a young strong and skilled man, and Eira, a girl with a heart as pure as her name, jumping in to help.

Cy: Roedden nhw'n meddwl eu bod yn ceisio dal defaid – ond mewn gwirionedd, roedden nhw'n ceisio arwain y siopwyr, a oedd yn rhedeg i gyfeiriadau gwahanol yn gynddeiriog.
En: They thought they were trying to catch sheep - but in reality, they were trying to lead the shoppers, who were running in different directions haphazardly.

Cy: Pob cam a gymerai Dylan, roedd siopwyr yn plymio fel dail mewn gwynt, ac roedd Eira yn sibrwd geiriau o anogaeth, yn ceisio trefnu'r bobl mewn rhesi, yn anobeithiol.
En: Every step Dylan took, the shoppers would scatter like leaves in the wind, and Eira whispered words of encouragement, trying to organize the people in lines, unsuccessfully.

Cy: Gwen, rownd a rownd, roedd yn trio ei gorau i esbonio’r gamgymeriad.
En: Gwen, one by one, was trying her best to explain the mistake.

Cy: Ond wrth i'r prysurdeb barhau, digwyddodd rhywbeth rhyfeddol.
En: But as the chaos continued, something strange happened.

Cy: Y siopwyr, sy wedi'u siomi gan yr anhrefn, ddechreuodd cydweithio â'i gilydd.
En: The shoppers, disappointed by the disorder, started collaborating.

Cy: Roeddent yn dechrau gwenu, a chwerthin, a rhannu eu hanesion.
En: They began to smile, laugh, and share their stories.

Cy: Dull Eira o herding pobl, yn hytrach na cheisio eu rheoli, wedi creu cysylltiad go iawn rhwng pawb.
En: Eira's way of herding people, rather than trying to control them, created a real connection among everyone.

Cy: A Dylan, gyda'i gân a dawn, roedd yn troi’r farchnad i ddawns.
En: And Dylan, with his song and talent, turned the market into a dance.

Cy: Gwen, yn gweld yr anhrefn yn troi'n undod, dechreuodd chwerthin.
En: Gwen, seeing the chaos turning into unity, began to laugh.

Cy: Y gwirionedd oedd, roedd ei chamgymeriad wedi dwyn ynghyd y pentref fel erioed o'r blaen.
En: The truth was, her mistake had brought the village closer than ever before.

Cy: Dyma'r gystadleuaeth bwrw defaid mwyaf anarferol i neb ei weld – un lle defaid ddynol oedd yn dysgu sut i ddawnsio gyda'i gilydd yn y nefoedd agored.
En: This was the most extraordinary sheep throwing contest anyone had ever seen - a place where human sheep were learning to dance together in the open skies.

Cy: Ac felly, mewn marchnad Ddywyn a oedd yn llawn o chwerthin a jôc, darganfod Gwen nad yw camgymeriadau bob amser yn arwain at drasiedi.
En: And so, in a Dywyn market full of laughter and jokes, Gwen discovered that mistakes don't always lead to tragedy.

Cy: Weithiau, gallant arwain at rywbeth hardd.
En: Sometimes, they can lead to something beautiful.

Cy: Ac fel y machlud haul wedi bwydo'r mynyddoedd gyda lliwiau o aur, bu pobl y farchnad yn teimlo cysylltiad gryf sydd, fel Gwen dechreuodd, trwy gamgymeriad hapus.
En: And like the sunrise feeding the mountains with colors of gold, the people of the market felt a strong connection that, as Gwen began, stemmed from a happy mistake.