Copenhagen Chronicles: A Taste Adventure in the City

In this episode, we'll embark on a mouth-watering journey through Copenhagen, uncovering the city's hidden culinary gems and the laughter-filled adventures of Lars and Freja.

Da: Lars og Freja gik tur.
En: Lars and Freja went for a walk.

Da: Det var i København.
En: It was in Copenhagen.

Da: Solen skinnede.
En: The sun was shining.

Da: Himlen var blå.
En: The sky was blue.

Da: De var glade.
En: They were happy.

Da: De nåede torvet.
En: They reached the square.

Da: Der var mange boder.
En: There were many stalls.

Da: En bod havde is.
En: One stall had ice cream.

Da: En anden havde syltede sild.
En: Another had pickled herring.

Da: Lars havde lyst til is.
En: Lars was in the mood for ice cream.

Da: Freja ville gerne have sild.
En: Freja wanted to try the herring.

Da: De købte begge dele.
En: They bought both.

Da: Lars fangede en sild med sin is-pind.
En: Lars caught a herring with his ice cream stick.

Da: Han tænkte, "Hov, er det en lokal delikatesse?
En: He thought, "Hmm, is this a local delicacy?"

Da: " Han smagte på den.
En: He tasted it.

Da: Det smagte mærkeligt.
En: It tasted strange.

Da: Men han spiste den alligevel.
En: But he still ate it.

Da: Freja løftede et øjenbryn.
En: Freja raised an eyebrow.

Da: Hun sagde, "Lars, det er forkert.
En: She said, "Lars, that's wrong.

Da: Det er ikke en delikatesse.
En: It's not a delicacy."

Da: " Men hun lo.
En: But she laughed.

Da: Lars følte sig lidt pjattet.
En: Lars felt a little silly.

Da: Men han grinede også.
En: But he laughed too.

Da: Havde det ikke været en delikatesse, havde det været sjovt alligevel.
En: If it hadn't been a delicacy, it would have been funny anyway.

Da: Næste dag var magen god i København.
En: The next day was just as good in Copenhagen.

Da: Solen skinnede igen.
En: The sun was shining again.

Da: De ville smage flere retter.
En: They wanted to try more dishes.

Da: Men denne gang uden is.
En: But this time without ice cream.

Da: De grinede over det.
En: They laughed about it.

Da: Lars sagde, "Mon der findes meget mærkeligt mad her?
En: Lars said, "I wonder if there are many strange foods here?"

Da: " Freja svarede, "Ja, Lars!
En: Freja replied, "Yes, Lars!

Da: Hver by har mærkelig mad.
En: Every city has strange food."

Da: " De grinede mere.
En: They laughed even more.

Da: Til sidst, de prøvede alt godt i København.
En: In the end, they tried all the good things in Copenhagen.

Da: De elskede byen.
En: They loved the city.

Da: Især det mærkelige mad.
En: Especially the strange food.

Da: Og de elskede hinanden.
En: And they loved each other.

Da: Det var en god ferie.
En: It was a great vacation.

Da: Og det hele startede med syltede sild på is.
En: And it all started with pickled herring on ice.