Discovering Kos: A Heartwarming Lesson in Togetherness

In this episode, we'll explore the heartwarming journey of four friends as they unravel the meaning of 'kos' through laughter, cocoa, and the warmth of a crackling fireplace.

Nb: Det regnet i Bergen.
En: It was raining in Bergen.

Nb: Men for Ingrid, Bjørn og Astrid, det gjorde ingen forskjell.
En: But for Ingrid, Bjørn, and Astrid, it didn't make a difference.

Nb: De satt i et koselig hus med et varmt og brennende peis.
En: They were sitting in a cozy house with a warm, crackling fireplace.

Nb: Med en kopp kakao i hendene, var de klare for en lang kveld med historier og latter.
En: With a cup of cocoa in their hands, they were ready for a long evening of stories and laughter.

Nb: En ny venn var med dem i kveld.
En: A new friend was with them tonight.

Nb: Hans navn var Ben.
En: His name was Ben.

Nb: Han var ikke fra Norge.
En: He wasn't from Norway.

Nb: Han var fra Australia.
En: He was from Australia.

Nb: Ben forstod ikke norsk "kos".
En: Ben didn't understand the Norwegian concept of "kos."

Nb: Ingrid, Bjørn og Astrid ønsket å hjelpe ham.
En: Ingrid, Bjørn, and Astrid wanted to help him.

Nb: "Kos" sa Ingrid, "er en følelse.
En: "Kos," said Ingrid, "is a feeling."

Nb: " Ben så forvirret ut.
En: Ben looked confused.

Nb: Han skjønte det ikke.
En: He didn't understand.

Nb: Astrid prøvde å forklare.
En: Astrid tried to explain.

Nb: "Kos er som en varm klem," sa hun.
En: "Kos is like a warm hug," she said.

Nb: Men Ben var fortsatt ikke sikker.
En: But Ben still wasn't sure.

Nb: Det var Bjørn sin tur.
En: It was Bjørn's turn.

Nb: Han pekte på peisen.
En: He pointed to the fireplace.

Nb: "Kos er varmen fra peisen," sa han.
En: "Kos is the warmth from the fireplace," he said.

Nb: Ben nikket, men han skjønte det ikke helt.
En: Ben nodded, but he still didn't quite get it.

Nb: De prøvde å forklare "kos" med ord.
En: They tried to explain "kos" with words.

Nb: Men Ben forstod det ikke.
En: But Ben didn't understand.

Nb: Så bestemte de seg for å vise ham hva "kos" var.
En: So they decided to show him what "kos" was.

Nb: De samlet seg rundt peisen.
En: They gathered around the fireplace.

Nb: De delte historier.
En: They shared stories.

Nb: De lo sammen.
En: They laughed together.

Nb: De drakk varm kakao.
En: They drank hot cocoa.

Nb: Litt etter litt, begynte Ben å forstå.
En: Little by little, Ben started to grasp it.

Nb: Han begynte å føle seg varm inni.
En: He began to feel warm inside.

Nb: Det var en følelse han aldri hadde følt før.
En: It was a feeling he had never experienced before.

Nb: Det var behagelig.
En: It was pleasant.

Nb: Det var beroligende.
En: It was calming.

Nb: "Dette er kos!
En: "This is kos!"

Nb: " ropte Ben med et stort smil.
En: Ben exclaimed with a big smile.

Nb: Alle lo.
En: Everyone laughed.

Nb: De skålte med kakao kopper.
En: They clinked their cocoa cups.

Nb: De var glad for at Ben hadde forstått.
En: They were happy that Ben had understood.

Nb: Den kvelden lærte Ben hva norsk "kos" var.
En: That evening, Ben learned what Norwegian "kos" was.

Nb: Det var ikke bare et ord.
En: It wasn't just a word.

Nb: Det var en følelse.
En: It was a feeling.

Nb: En følelse av varme, vennlighet og fellesskap.
En: A feeling of warmth, kindness, and togetherness.

Nb: Det var en minneverdig kveld for alle sammen.
En: It was a memorable night for everyone.

Nb: Det var en kveld med "kos".
En: It was a night of "kos."

Nb: Og nå, vil Ben alltid huske å kose seg, enten han er i Australia eller Bergen.
En: And now, Ben will always remember to enjoy himself, whether he's in Australia or Bergen.

Nb: Så historien endte godt.
En: So the story ended well.

Nb: Ben forstått kos.
En: Ben understood kos.

Nb: Ingrid, Bjørn og Astrid klarte å forklare det.
En: Ingrid, Bjørn, and Astrid managed to explain it.

Nb: Og de alle koste seg til langt på natt, glad for at de delte denne spesielle følelsen sammen.
En: And they all enjoyed themselves into the night, grateful for sharing this special feeling together.