In this episode, we'll explore how a foggy Welsh mountain becomes the backdrop for a comical case of mistaken identity.
Cy: Roedd y niwl yn trwchus fel cwilt dros fryniau Eryri, a Rhys, yn ei brys, oedd y ffeindio Eleri cyn iddi golli ei ffordd yn y cwmwl.
En: The fog was thick like a quilt over the mountains of Snowdonia, and Rhys, in his hurry, was trying to find Eleri before she lost her way in the mist.
Cy: Gyda’i ben yn llawn pryderon, camodd Rhys drwy'r glaswellt gwlyb, ei lygaid yn sganio'r dirwedd am unrhyw symudiad.
En: With his head full of worries, Rhys stepped through the wet grass, his eyes scanning the landscape for any movement.
Cy: "Eleri! Eleri!" galwodd Rhys, ond dim ond sŵn y gwynt drwy'r coed oedd yn ei ateb.
En: "Eleri! Eleri!" called Rhys, but only the sound of the wind through the trees answered him.
Cy: Yna, yn sydyn, gwelodd ffurf yn y niwl. “Eleri! Dwi wedi dy ffeindio!” llefodd yn hapus.
En: Then, suddenly, he saw a figure in the fog. "Eleri! I've found you!" he shouted happily.
Cy: Ond nid Eleri oedd hon. Rhys roedd wedi cwch ei ffrind am... dafad.
En: But it wasn't Eleri. Rhys had mistaken his friend for... a sheep.
Cy: Gyda bloedd o syndod a rhyw fath o ryddhad digrif, Rhys sylweddolodd ei gamgymeriad hwyliog.
En: With a mix of surprise and some kind of relieved amusement, Rhys realized his playful mistake.
Cy: Ar ôl i'r chwerthin tawelu, penderfynodd aros yn ei le a gwaedd mwy am Eleri, gan obeithio y byddai hi’n ateb yn fuan.
En: After the laughter subsided, he decided to stay in place and call out more for Eleri, hoping she would answer soon.
Cy: O'r diwedd, daeth sain llais Eleri yn ôl o’r niwl. "Rhys! Lle wyt ti?" Roedd hi'n agosach nag oedd wedi meddwl.
En: Finally, the sound of Eleri's voice came back from the fog. "Rhys! Where are you?" She was closer than she had thought.
Cy: "Dyma fi!" atebodd Rhys, a buan iawn ymunodd y ddau ffrind mewn goleuni y niwl.
En: "Here I am!" Rhys answered, and quickly the two friends joined in the light of the fog.
Cy: Gyda chwerthin am y dafad a'r cam-ar-waith, penderfynodd Rhys a Eleri fod y diwrnod wedi dod gyda stori fyddai'n cael ei hadrodd dro ar ôl tro.
En: With laughter about the sheep and the mishap, Rhys and Eleri decided that the day had come with a story that would be told time after time.
Cy: Er gwaethaf y cymylau a'r niwl, roedd hyfrydwch a chwerthin i’w cael yng nghwmni ffrindiau da ym mynyddoedd hardd Eryri.
En: Despite the clouds and the fog, there was joy and laughter to be had in the company of good friends in the beautiful mountains of Snowdonia.
Cy: Ar ôl antur o'r fath, roedd yn amlwg fod pob camgymeriad, hyd yn oed cymysgu dafad am ffrind, yn gallu arwain at stori na fyddid yn ei anghofio.
En: After such an adventure, it was clear that every mistake, even mistaking a sheep for a friend, could lead to a story that would not be forgotten.