French Sombrero Saves the Day!

In this episode, we'll follow Marta's unexpected adventure in a foreign land and the unlikely encounter that changed it all.

Ca: Marta es va despertar a la Rambla, un lloc molt concorregut i turístic de la ciutat.
En: Marta woke up on the Rambla, a very busy and touristy place in the city.

Ca: Va despreocupadament posar-se les sabatilles i va sortir a passejar pel carrer principal.
En: He casually put on his sneakers and went for a walk down the main street.

Ca: Aviat va notar que tothom la mirava i s'adonà que havia agafat accidentalment les sabates d'una turista francesa que dormia a l'habitació contigua.
En: She soon noticed that everyone was looking at her and realized that she had accidentally grabbed the shoes of a French tourist who was sleeping in the next room.

Ca: Marta es va posar nerviosa i no sabia com actuar.
En: Marta got nervous and didn't know how to act.

Ca: Va començar a caminar més ràpid per la Rambla, amb ganes de trobar un lloc poc concorregut on poder amagar-se fins que la situació s'esvaeixi.
En: He started to walk faster down La Rambla, wanting to find a less crowded place where he could hide until the situation cleared up.

Ca: Va caminar i caminar fins que va arribar a una plaça tranquil·la darrere d'una església antiga.
En: He walked and walked until he came to a quiet square behind an old church.

Ca: De sobte, va sentir una veu que li preguntava en francès si estava bé.
En: Suddenly, he heard a voice asking him in French if he was okay.

Ca: Marta es va girar i va veure una dona francesa molt amable que li va oferir ajuda.
En: Marta turned around and saw a very kind French woman who offered her help.

Ca: Marta li va explicar la situació i la dona va riure i li va dir que no passava res, que segur que ningú no s'adonava de les sabates.
En: Marta explained the situation to her and the woman laughed and told her that nothing was wrong, that surely no one noticed the shoes.

Ca: La dona la va deixar un sombrero elegant i li va dir que el portes perquè s'adonin que és francesa i no un turista.
En: The woman left her a fancy sombrero and told her to wear it so they'll know she's French and not a tourist.

Ca: Marta es va sentir molt millor i va tornar a la Rambla amb el sombrero francès.
En: Marta felt much better and returned to La Rambla with the French sombrero.

Ca: La gent li va parlar en francès i va notar que la gent la tractava diferent.
En: People spoke to her in French and she noticed that people treated her differently.

Ca: Va arribar al seu destí final i va aconseguir passar allà sense que ningú se n'adonessi de les sabates.
En: He reached his final destination and managed to pass there without anyone noticing the shoes.

Ca: Marta va estar molt agraïda per l'ajuda que va rebre de la dona francesa i va portar el sombrero el dia següent com a agraïment.
En: Marta was very grateful for the help she received from the French woman and wore the sombrero the next day as a thank you.

Ca: La dona va estar molt contenta i van passar la resta del matí passejant per la ciutat, parlant en francès i compartint anècdotes.
En: The woman was very happy and they spent the rest of the morning walking around town, talking in French and sharing anecdotes.

Ca: Va ser una bonica experiència que Marta no oblidarà mai.
En: It was a beautiful experience that Marta will never forget.