In this episode, we'll dive into a heartwarming tale of bravery and the power of family, as we follow Lars' unexpected plunge into the canal and the profound lesson he learns along the way.
Da: Lars stod foran den lille havfrue-statue i København.
En: Lars stood in front of the little mermaid statue in Copenhagen.
Da: Han ville tage en selfie for at vise sine venner, hvor sej han var.
En: He wanted to take a selfie to show his friends how cool he was.
Da: Men pludselig, ved et uheld, hoppede Lars i kanalen!
En: But suddenly, by accident, Lars jumped into the canal!
Da: Han kæmpede for at komme op til overfladen.
En: He struggled to get to the surface.
Da: Vandet var koldt og mørkt, og Lars var skræmt.
En: The water was cold and dark, and Lars was frightened.
Da: Han kunne mærke panikken brede sig i hans krop.
En: He could feel the panic spreading through his body.
Da: Han skreg, men ingen hørte ham.
En: He screamed, but no one heard him.
Da: Heldigvis kom der hurtigt en redningsbåd kørende.
En: Fortunately, a rescue boat arrived quickly.
Da: Redningsfolkene greb fat i Lars og trak ham op i båden.
En: The rescuers grabbed Lars and pulled him into the boat.
Da: Han var bange men lettet.
En: He was scared but relieved.
Da: Lars sad og rystede på vej til hospitalet.
En: Lars sat and shook on the way to the hospital.
Da: Han frøs og hans tøj var gennemblødt.
En: He was freezing and his clothes were soaked.
Da: Han spekulerede på, hvorfor han havde været så dum at hoppe i kanalen.
En: He wondered why he had been so foolish as to jump into the canal.
Da: Hans selfie var bestemt ikke det værd!
En: His selfie was definitely not worth it!
Da: Da han nåede hospitalet, blev han mødt af venlige sygeplejersker.
En: When he reached the hospital, he was greeted by friendly nurses.
Da: De hjalp ham med at tørre og få varmt tøj på.
En: They helped him dry off and put on warm clothes.
Da: Lars spurgte om de kunne ringe til hans forældre for at fortælle dem, at han var okay.
En: Lars asked if they could call his parents to tell them he was okay.
Da: Da Lars endelig fik fat i sin mor i telefonen, var hun meget bekymret.
En: When Lars finally got hold of his mother on the phone, she was very worried.
Da: Hun ville straks tage til hospitalet for at se til ham.
En: She wanted to go to the hospital immediately to see him.
Da: Lars blev lettet over at høre hendes stemme.
En: Lars was relieved to hear her voice.
Da: Da moren kom, gav hun Lars et kram og udtrykte sin lettelse over, at han var okay.
En: When the mother arrived, she gave Lars a hug and expressed her relief that he was okay.
Da: Sammen gik de ud af hospitalet og tog en taxa hjem til deres hyggelige lejlighed.
En: Together they left the hospital and took a taxi home to their cozy apartment.
Da: På vejen hjem tænkte Lars over sin dumme handling.
En: On the way home, Lars thought about his stupid act.
Da: Han lovede sig selv aldrig at lave noget så dumt igen.
En: He promised himself never to do something so stupid again.
Da: Han vidste, at livet var for kort til at tage unødvendige risici.
En: He knew life was too short to take unnecessary risks.
Da: Tilbage i lejligheden lavede moren en varm kop kakao til Lars.
En: Back in the apartment, the mother made a hot cup of cocoa for Lars.
Da: Han sad på sofaen og nød den varme drik.
En: He sat on the sofa and enjoyed the hot drink.
Da: Livet føltes pludselig bedre, nu hvor han vidste, at hans mor var ved hans side.
En: Life suddenly felt better now that he knew his mother was by his side.
Da: Lars indså, at selvom han havde været bange i kanalen, så var det også en vigtig lære for ham.
En: Lars realized that even though he had been scared in the canal, it was also an important lesson for him.
Da: Han skulle sætte mere pris på trygheden og kærligheden fra sin familie.
En: He should appreciate more the security and love of his family.
Da: Historien om Lars og hans uheldige hop i kanalen endte lykkeligt med hans mor ved sin side.
En: The story of Lars and his unfortunate jump into the canal ended happily with his mother by his side.
Da: Selv om han var våd og kold, så var han varm indeni, fordi han vidste, at kærligheden fra hans mor ville holde ham tryg resten af livet.
En: Even though he was wet and cold, he was warm inside because he knew that the love of his mother would keep him safe for the rest of his life.