explore the charm and mystery of a Welsh village with the longest name
Cy: Roedd hi'n fore hyfryd pan benderfynodd Rhys, Eleri a Sion ymweld â'r pentref bach gyda'r enw hiraf yng Nghymru - Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.
En: It was a lovely morning when Rhys, Eleri, and Sion decided to visit the small village with the longest name in Wales - Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.
Cy: Roeddent yn chwilio am antur, ac roedd enw'r pentref yn swnio fel y lle perffaith i'w chael.
En: They were seeking adventure, and the village’s name sounded like the perfect place to find it.
Cy: "Rydyn ni'n mynd i gael diwrnod anhygoel!" meddai Rhys gyda gwên fawr ar ei wyneb.
En: "We're going to have an amazing day!" said Rhys with a big smile on his face.
Cy: Cytunodd Eleri a Sion, ond doedd gan neb ohonynt syniad sut y byddai'r diwrnod yn troi allan.
En: Eleri and Sion agreed, but none of them had any idea how the day would turn out.
Cy: Fe gymerasant drên bach i gyrraedd y pentref, ond wrth i'r trên ddiflannu o'r orsaf, sylweddolodd y tri ffrind eu bod wedi anghofio p'un ai oeddent wedi dod â map ai peidio.
En: They hopped on a small train to reach the village, but as the train vanished from the station, the three friends realized they had forgotten whether they had brought a map or not.
Cy: Roeddent yn colli yn y pentref bach hwnnw.
En: They were lost in that small village.
Cy: "Be wnawn ni nawr?" gofynnodd Eleri, yn edrych o amgylch am ryw fath o glue.
En: "What do we do now?" asked Eleri, looking around for some kind of clue.
Cy: "Edrychwn am rywun i ofyn am gyfarwyddiadau," awgrymodd Sion.
En: "Let's look for someone to ask for directions," suggested Sion.
Cy: Crwydrodd y tri ffrind ar hyd y strydoedd cul, yn syllu ar enwau'r siopau a geiriau hirion ar arwyddion.
En: The three friends wandered along the narrow streets, looking at the names of the shops and the long words on signs.
Cy: Ond doedd neb i'w gweld.
En: But no one was in sight.
Cy: Roedd y pentref bron yn ymddangos fel tref ysbrydion...
En: The village almost seemed like a ghost town...
Cy: Cyn hir, daethant o hyd i dafarn.
En: Before long, they found a pub.
Cy: Roedd hi'n edrych yn gynnes ac yn groesawgar, felly penderfynodd y tri fynd i mewn i ofyn am gyfarwyddiadau ac i gael paned o de poeth.
En: It looked warm and welcoming, so the three decided to go in to ask for directions and have a hot cup of tea.
Cy: Y tu mewn i'r dafarn, roedd pobl yn chwerthin ac yn mwynhau eu hunain.
En: Inside the pub, people were laughing and enjoying themselves.
Cy: Fe wnaethant gyflwyno eu hunain i'r barman, dyn hynod gyfeillgar o'r enw Tomos.
En: They introduced themselves to the bartender, a very friendly man named Tomos.
Cy: "Pam mae'r enw mor hir?" gofynnodd Sion yn syn.
En: "Why is the name so long?" asked Sion curiously.
Cy: "Ah, mae'n stori hir," chwerthinodd Tomos.
En: "Ah, it's a long story," chuckled Tomos.
Cy: "Ond yn bref, mae'n tynnu twristiaid fel chi i'r pentref."
En: "But in short, it attracts tourists like you to the village."
Cy: Ar ôl cerdded o gwmpas y pentref gyda chyfarwyddiadau Tomos, sylweddolodd Rhys, Eleri a Sion fod eu hangen nhw nid yn unig ar fap ond hefyd ar fewnwelediad i'r iaith Gymraeg a'i threftadaeth.
En: After walking around the village with Tomos' directions, Rhys, Eleri, and Sion realized that they not only needed a map, but also an insight into the Welsh language and its heritage.
Cy: Penderfynodd y tri orffen eu diwrnod yng Nghymru drwy fynychu gwers Gymraeg wrth droed y dafarn.
En: The three decided to end their day in Wales by attending a Welsh language lesson at the pub.
Cy: Wrth iddyn nhw ymgolli yn y geiriau a'r seiniau newydd, daethant yn fwy cyfforddus yn y pentref hudolus hwn.
En: As they got lost in the words and new phrases, they became more comfortable in this magical village.
Cy: Y diwedd, roeddent wedi dod o hyd i gyfeiriad yn ôl i'w gwesty diolch i gymorth Tomos a'r treigladau di-ri roedden nhw wedi dysgu.
En: In the end, they had found their way back to their hotel thanks to Tomos' help and the countless mutations they had learned.
Cy: Wrth iddynt adael y pentref, roedd y tri ffrind yn gwenu wrth iddynt sôn am eu hantur yn y pentref gyda'r enw hiraf yn y byd.
En: As they left the village, the three friends smiled as they talked about their adventure in the village with the longest name in the world.
Cy: Sylweddolodd Rhys, Eleri a Sion fod chwilfrydedd a phenderfyniad peidio â gadael i golli eu dal yn ôl wedi arwain at brofiad nad fyddech chi byth yn ei anghofio.
En: Rhys, Eleri, and Sion realized that curiosity and the decision not to give up had led to an experience they would never forget.
Cy: Hefyd, roedd ganddynt stori wych i'w hadrodd pan fyddent yn ôl adref.
En: Also, they had a wonderful story to tell when they got back home.