In this episode, we'll follow Marek, a young boy, as he navigates the storied halls of Bratislava Castle, uncovering its rich history and delivering a captivating school presentation that brings the past to life.
Sk: V Bratislave, za starým hradom, sa pripravoval dôležitý deň pre mladého chlapca menom Marek.
En: In Bratislava, behind the old castle, an important day was being prepared for a young boy named Marek.
Sk: Marek mal prezentáciu na tému histórie Slovenska.
En: Marek had a presentation on the history of Slovakia.
Sk: Ako miesto si vybral Bratislavský hrad, miesto, kde sa písali dôležité kapitoly našej histórie.
En: He chose Bratislava Castle as the location, a place where significant chapters of our history were written.
Sk: Marek prišiel k hradu skoro ráno.
En: Marek arrived at the castle early in the morning.
Sk: Videl nádherné múry a staré veže.
En: He saw the beautiful walls and old towers.
Sk: V ruke držal poznámky.
En: He held his notes in his hand.
Sk: Bolo jasné, že bol nervózny.
En: It was clear that he was nervous.
Sk: Prechádzal po nádvorí hradu a premýšľal, ako začne svoju prezentáciu.
En: He walked across the courtyard of the castle, contemplating how to start his presentation.
Sk: V diaľke bolo počuť hudbu a smiech turistov.
En: In the distance, music and tourists' laughter could be heard.
Sk: "Musím sa pripraviť," povedal si Marek ticho.
En: "I must prepare," Marek said quietly to himself.
Sk: Sadol si na kamennú lavicu.
En: He sat down on a stone bench.
Sk: Otvoril knihu histórie a začal čítať nahlas.
En: He opened a history book and began to read aloud.
Sk: Zrazu si všimol staršieho muža.
En: Suddenly, he noticed an older man.
Sk: Muž mal bielu bradu a usmieval sa.
En: The man had a white beard and was smiling.
Sk: "Máš rád históriu?
En: "Do you like history?"
Sk: " spýtal sa muž.
En: the man asked.
Sk: "Ano," odpovedal Marek.
En: "Yes," Marek replied.
Sk: "Mám školskú prezentáciu.
En: "I have a school presentation."
Sk: "Muž sa posadil vedľa Mareka.
En: The man sat down next to Marek.
Sk: "Bratislavský hrad má bohatú históriu.
En: "Bratislava Castle has a rich history.
Sk: Tu žili králi a kráľovné, tu sa rozhodovalo o osude národa.
En: Kings and queens lived here, and the nation's fate was decided here.
Sk: Vedel si, že tu bol korunovaný aj český kráľ?
En: Did you know that a Czech king was also crowned here?"
Sk: "Marek sa usmial.
En: Marek smiled.
Sk: "To nevedel.
En: "I didn't know that.
Sk: Ďakujem!
En: Thank you!"
Sk: "Marek pokračoval v čítaní a zapisovaní si poznámok.
En: Marek continued reading and jotting down notes.
Sk: Bol rád, že sa dozvedel nové fakty.
En: He was pleased to have learned new facts.
Sk: Čas rýchlo ubiehal.
En: Time flew by quickly.
Sk: Blížil sa čas prezentácie.
En: The time for the presentation approached.
Sk: Marek sa postavil pred triedu spolužiakov.
En: Marek stood in front of his classmates.
Sk: Všetci pozorne počúvali, keď začal rozprávať.
En: Everyone listened attentively as he began to speak.
Sk: "Hrad v Bratislave je starší ako niektoré európske zámky.
En: "The castle in Bratislava is older than some European castles.
Sk: Tu žila Mária Terézia a mnohí iní panovníci.
En: Maria Theresa and many other rulers lived here."
Sk: " Prezentácia plynie plynulo.
En: The presentation flowed smoothly.
Sk: Marek rozprával o bitkách, korunováciách a významných osobnostiach.
En: Marek talked about battles, coronations, and significant personalities.
Sk: Na konci prezentácie trieda zatlieskala.
En: At the end of the presentation, the class applauded.
Sk: Učiteľ povedal: "Výborná práca, Marek.
En: The teacher said, "Excellent work, Marek.
Sk: Si skutočne pripravený.
En: You are truly prepared.
Sk: Gratulujem!
En: Congratulations!"
Sk: "Marek sa usmial.
En: Marek smiled.
Sk: Bol šťastný, že jeho tvrdá práca sa vyplatila.
En: He was happy that his hard work had paid off.
Sk: Otvoril dvere hradu a díval sa na mesto.
En: He opened the castle door and looked out at the city.
Sk: Bolo to skvelé miesto a skvelý deň.
En: It was a great place and a great day.
Sk: Vonku zasvietilo slnko a Marek vedel, že sa mu podarilo niečo výnimočné.
En: The sun shone outside, and Marek knew he had achieved something special.