Mistaken Identity: A Dubrovnik Adventure

In this episode, we'll explore how a case of mistaken identity leads to an unforgettable cultural immersion and the forging of new friendships in the heart of Dubrovnik.

Hr: Sunce je polako zaranjalo u more kada je Ivan stigao u Dubrovnik.
En: The sun was slowly sinking into the sea as Ivan arrived in Dubrovnik.

Hr: Bio je ovo njegov prvi posjet tom kamenom dragulju na obali Jadranskog mora.
En: This was his first visit to the stone jewel on the shores of the Adriatic Sea.

Hr: Ivan je putovao sam, i to mu se svidjelo jer je mogao raditi što god je htio, a prva stvar koju je htio bila je šetnja po staroj gradskoj jezgri.
En: Ivan was traveling alone, and he liked it because he could do whatever he wanted, and the first thing he wanted was to take a walk through the old city center.

Hr: Dok je hodao zidinama, primijetio je čovjeka u ribarskoj košulji kako sjedi na molu i popravlja mrežu.
En: While walking along the city walls, he noticed a man in a fishing shirt sitting on the pier repairing a fishing net.

Hr: Čovjekova snažna ruka vješto je rukovala nitima, a lice mu je bilo preplanulo od sunca.
En: The man's strong hand skillfully handled the threads, and his face was sun-kissed.

Hr: Ivanu se učinilo da je taj ribar nevjerojatno sličan poznatom glumcu iz filmova koje je volio gledati.
En: Ivan thought that the fisherman was incredibly similar to a famous actor from the movies he loved to watch.

Hr: Ne razmišljajući previše, Ivan se spustio niz kamene stube sve do mola i prišao ribaru.
En: Without much thought, Ivan descended the stone steps down to the pier and approached the fisherman.

Hr: "Dobar dan", pozdravio je.
En: "Good day," he greeted.

Hr: "Mogu li dobiti vaš autogram?
En: "Can I get your autograph?

Hr: Veliki sam fan vašeg rada!
En: I'm a big fan of your work!"

Hr: "Ribar je podigao pogled s mreže, zbunjeno gledajući Ivana.
En: The fisherman looked up from the net, looking confused at Ivan.

Hr: "Moj autogram?
En: "My autograph?"

Hr: " upitao je sa smiješkom.
En: he asked with a smile.

Hr: "Mislim da se varamo.
En: "I think you're mistaken.

Hr: Ja sam samo jednostavan ribar, ime mi je Marko.
En: I'm just a simple fisherman, my name is Marko."

Hr: "Ivan se zacrvenio od srama što je napravio takvu grešku.
En: Ivan blushed with embarrassment for making such a mistake.

Hr: U tom trenutku, pridružio se i Marta, prodavačica voća s obližnje tržnice.
En: At that moment, Marta, a fruit vendor from the nearby market, joined them.

Hr: "Marko je lokalna zvijezda s najsvježijom ribom", rekla je s osmijehom, "ali nije glumac.
En: "Marko is the local star with the freshest fish," she said with a smile, "but he's not an actor."

Hr: "Ivan se ispričao i počeo razgovar s Martom i Markom o svemu – o životu u Dubrovniku, o ribarstvu, o filmovima i glumcima.
En: Ivan apologized and began to talk to Marta and Marko about everything - life in Dubrovnik, fishing, movies, and actors.

Hr: Dok su razgovarali, pridružila im se i Ana, Markova sestra koja je bila vodič turama po zidinama.
En: As they chatted, Ana, Marko's sister who was a tour guide on the city walls, joined them.

Hr: Ana je Ivana povela na pravu turu po Dubrovniku, pokazujući mu skrivene dragulje koje obični turisti često propuste.
En: Ana took Ivan on a real tour of Dubrovnik, showing him hidden gems that ordinary tourists often overlook.

Hr: Ivana je jednostavno očarala bistrina mora, ljepota starih zgrada, i priče koje su mu do tada bile skrivene.
En: Ivan was simply enchanted by the clarity of the sea, the beauty of the old buildings, and the stories that had been hidden from him until then.

Hr: Kako se dan bližio kraju, Ivan je bio zahvalan na svom zabunom pristupu Marku.
En: As the day drew to a close, Ivan was grateful for his mistaken approach to Marko.

Hr: Bez te slučajne pogreške, nikada ne bi upoznao Martu, Anu i Marka, a ni tajne Dubrovnika koje su mu oni pokazali.
En: Without that accidental mistake, he would never have met Marta, Ana, and Marko, nor would he have discovered the secrets of Dubrovnik that they showed him.

Hr: Sjedeći s novim prijateljima u jednoj od brojnih starih kamenih konoba, Ivan je podigao čašu vina.
En: Sitting with his new friends in one of the many old stone taverns, Ivan raised his glass of wine.

Hr: "Na Dubrovnik", rekao je, a svi su uzviknuli u znak slaganja.
En: "To Dubrovnik," he said, and they all cheered in agreement.

Hr: "Na nove prijatelje i nezaboravne priče!
En: "To new friends and unforgettable stories!"

Hr: "Svijetle zvijezde počele su se pojavljivati na nebu iznad grada, a Ivan je osjetio kako mu srce postaje teško od predstojećeg oproštaja.
En: Bright stars began to appear in the sky above the city, and Ivan felt his heart becoming heavy with the impending farewell.

Hr: Ali znao je jedno – Dubrovnik i njegovi ljudi bit će priča koju će uvijek s veseljem prepričavati.
En: But he knew one thing - Dubrovnik and its people would be a story he would always happily retell.