Mistaken Statue Sparks Dubrovnik Delight

In this episode, we'll explore a whimsical mix-up that leads to an unexpected friendship amidst the historic backdrop of sunny Dubrovnik.

Hr: Bio je divan sunčani dan kada je Matea stigla u Dubrovnik, grad poznat po prekrasnim zidinama i bogatoj povijesti.
En: It was a wonderful sunny day when Matea arrived in Dubrovnik, a city known for its beautiful walls and rich history.

Hr: S uzbuđenjem u srcima, hodala je popločanim ulicama i divila se starim zgradama koje su pričale priče iz prošlosti.
En: With excitement in her heart, she walked along the cobbled streets, admiring the old buildings that told stories from the past.

Hr: Čula je za jednu posebnu statuu, statuu slavnog pisca koji je davno hodao ovim istim ulicama i ona je odlučila da će danas pronaći tu statuu i uslikati se s njom.
En: She had heard about a particular statue, a statue of a famous writer who had long walked these same streets, and she decided that today she would find that statue and take a picture with it.

Hr: Kako je lutala uskim ulicama, u daljini je ugledala lik muškarca koji je stajao nepomično kraj zida.
En: As she wandered through the narrow streets, she spotted the figure of a man standing still next to a wall in the distance.

Hr: "To mora biti on," pomislila je Matea.
En: "That must be him," Matea thought.

Hr: Približavajući se, uzela je svoj mobitel i počela se smješkati za selfie.
En: Approaching, she took out her phone and began to smile for a selfie.

Hr: Ivan, mladić kog je Matea zamijenila za statuu, bio je toliko začuđen njenim postupkom da nije znao kako će reagirati.
En: Ivan, the young man whom Matea had mistaken for a statue, was so surprised by her actions that he didn't know how to react.

Hr: Stajao je netremice i pokušavao shvatiti što se događa.
En: He stood motionless, trying to understand what was happening.

Hr: Matea je bila toliko uzbuđena zbog selfieja da nije primijetila kako se 'statua' blago smiješi.
En: Matea was so excited about the selfie that she didn't notice the 'statue' smiling faintly.

Hr: Kad je napokon pogledala ekran mobitela, ugledala je Ivana kako se tiho smješka.
En: When she finally looked at her phone screen, she saw Ivan smiling quietly.

Hr: "Oprosti," ispričala se crveneći, "mislim da sam te zamijenila za statuu!"
En: "I'm sorry," she apologized, blushing, "I think I mistook you for a statue!"

Hr: Ivan se počeo srdačno smijati.
En: Ivan started to laugh warmly.

Hr: "To je u redu, događa se," rekao je s blagim osmijehom.
En: "It's okay, it happens," he said with a gentle smile.

Hr: Matea i Ivan počeli su razgovarati i Ivan joj je pokazao pravu statuu koju je tražila.
En: Matea and Ivan started to talk, and Ivan showed her the real statue she was looking for.

Hr: Kako su šetali, pričali su o povijesti Dubrovnika, nasmijani na svoju zgodnu zabunu.
En: As they walked, they talked about the history of Dubrovnik, laughing at their amusing mix-up.

Hr: Na kraju dana, Matea je imala ne samo fotografije sa statuom, već i novo prijateljstvo s Ivanom.
En: At the end of the day, Matea not only had photos with the statue but also a new friendship with Ivan.

Hr: Matea nikada neće zaboraviti svoj dan u Dubrovniku, a Ivanova 'statua' ostat će joj u srcu kao podsjetnik na taj nezaboravni dan.
En: Matea will never forget her day in Dubrovnik, and Ivan's 'statue' will remain in her heart as a reminder of that unforgettable day.

Hr: Matea se smijala sama sebi kad je kasnije razmišljala o svom danu; ne samo da je pronašla povijest Dubrovnika, već je našla i toplinu njezinih stanovnika.
En: Matea laughed at herself when she later thought about her day; not only had she found Dubrovnik's history, but she had also found the warmth of its people.

Hr: Dubrovnik, mislila je Matea dok je kročila prema zalasku sunca, nije samo grad kamenih zidova i statua, već i grad živih, toplih ljudi poput Ivana.
En: Dubrovnik, Matea thought as she walked towards the sunset, is not just a city of stone walls and statues, but a city of living, warm people like Ivan.