In this episode, we'll uncover the magical secrets of a mysterious manuscript that predicts the future, as three friends embark on a thrilling adventure at Lake Bled.
Sl: Je nekaj magičnega v poletnih jutrih pri Blejskem jezeru.
En: There is something magical about summer mornings at Lake Bled.
Sl: Meglica blago leži nad vodo, hitro se razkadi in vsem razkrije modrino jezera.
En: The mist gently lies over the water, quickly dissipating to reveal the blue of the lake to all.
Sl: Anže, Lara in Matej so se zbrali pod staro lipo, ki raste ob jezeru.
En: Anže, Lara, and Matej gathered under the old linden tree growing by the lake.
Sl: Dan je obetal številne dogodivščine.
En: The day promised numerous adventures.
Sl: Trije prijatelji so se odločili, da bodo preiskali jezero.
En: The three friends decided to explore the lake.
Sl: Slišali so veliko zgodb o izgubljenem rokopisu, ki morda skriva skrivnosti preteklosti.
En: They had heard many stories about a lost manuscript that might hide secrets of the past.
Sl: "Gremo," je rekel Anže, "Moramo najti ta rokopis.
En: "Let's go," Anže said, "we have to find that manuscript."
Sl: " Lara in Matej sta mu sledila, polna pričakovanja.
En: Lara and Matej followed him, full of anticipation.
Sl: Kmalu so prispeli do starega pomola.
En: Soon they arrived at an old pier.
Sl: Stavba je bila zapuščena, vendar je bila voda okoli nje čista in mirna.
En: The building was abandoned, but the water around it was clear and calm.
Sl: Lara se je sklonila in v vodi opazila nešto nenavadnega.
En: Lara leaned down and noticed something unusual in the water.
Sl: "Poglejte!
En: "Look!"
Sl: " je vzkliknila in z roko pokazala na svetlečo točko v vodi.
En: she exclaimed, pointing to a shining spot in the water.
Sl: Anže in Matej sta ji pomagala dvigniti težek predmet iz vode.
En: Anže and Matej helped her lift the heavy object from the water.
Sl: Bil je star rokopis, prekrit z algami.
En: It was an old manuscript, covered in algae.
Sl: "To je to," je rekel Anže z vznemirjenjem v glasu.
En: "This is it," Anže said excitedly.
Sl: Odprli so knjigo in začeli brati.
En: They opened the book and started reading.
Sl: Besedilo je bilo starinsko, a jasno.
En: The text was old-fashioned but clear.
Sl: Pisalo je o dogodkih, ki so se že zgodili – pred stoletji.
En: It wrote about events that had already happened – centuries ago.
Sl: A nato so opazili nekaj neverjetnega.
En: Then they noticed something incredible.
Sl: Rokopis je vseboval tudi napovedi prihodnosti.
En: The manuscript also contained predictions of the future.
Sl: "Piše, da bo danes huda nevihta," je rekel Matej.
En: "It says there will be a severe storm today," Matej said.
Sl: Vsi so pogledali v nebo – bilo je jasno.
En: They all looked at the sky – it was clear.
Sl: "To je nemogoče," je rekla Lara.
En: "That's impossible," Lara said.
Sl: A kot bi uročilo, so se oglasili grmi in nebo se je stemnilo.
En: But as if by enchantment, they heard thunder and the sky darkened.
Sl: Počutili so se, kot da jim nekdo opazuje.
En: They felt like someone was watching them.
Sl: "Moramo proč od tu," je zaklical Anže.
En: "We have to get out of here," Anže shouted.
Sl: Bežali so proti vasi, a rokopis so vzeli s seboj.
En: They ran towards the village, but they took the manuscript with them.
Sl: Ko so prispeli v vas, so vaščani že pripravili zavetje.
En: When they reached the village, the villagers had already set up shelter.
Sl: Rokopis so skrili na varno mesto v stari cerkvi.
En: They hid the manuscript in a safe place in the old church.
Sl: Z vasi so opazovali nevihte, ki je divjala nad jezerom.
En: From the village, they watched the storm raging over the lake.
Sl: "Zdaj verjamem, da je ta knjiga resnično čudežna," je rekla Lara.
En: "Now I believe this book is truly miraculous," Lara said.
Sl: Po nevihti so se vrnili domov, a rokopis je ostal v cerkvi.
En: After the storm, they returned home, but the manuscript remained in the church.
Sl: Vaščani so se dogovorili, da ga bodo varovali in uporabljali le v sili.
En: The villagers agreed to guard it and use it only in emergencies.
Sl: Anže, Lara in Matej so vedeli, da so našli nekaj posebnega.
En: Anže, Lara, and Matej knew they had found something special.
Sl: Odkritje rokopisa je spremenilo njihova življenja.
En: The discovery of the manuscript had changed their lives.
Sl: Postali so varuhi starodavnih skrivnosti Blejskega jezera.
En: They became the guardians of the ancient secrets of Lake Bled.
Sl: In v hladu poletne noči so sanjali o novih dogodivščinah, ki jih še čakajo.
En: And in the cool of the summer night, they dreamed of new adventures yet to come.