Night with a Ghost: Trapped in Conwy Castle

explore the eerie enchantment of Conwy Castle as our protagonist discovers that getting locked in overnight leads to a friendship with a playful spirit and a lesson in history and heart.

Cy: Roedd hi'n noson oer ym Medi pan benderfynodd Bethan dreulio diwrnod yn crwydro o amgylch Castell Conwy, adeilad mawreddog sy'n codi uwchben y dref hanesyddol.
En: It was a cold night in September when Bethan decided to spend a day wandering around Conwy Castle, a majestic building that rises above the historic town.

Cy: Gyda'i waliau trwchus a'i thyrau uchel, roedd y castell yn swyno Bethan gyda'i hanes a'i storiâu.
En: With its thick walls and tall towers, the castle captivated Bethan with its history and stories.

Cy: Eto, wrth i'r haul ddechrau gostwng tu ôl i gopaon yr wybren, doedd Bethan ddim yn sylwi fod ymwelwyr eraill y castell yn dechrau gadael.
En: Yet, as the sun began to descend behind the tops of the trees, Bethan didn't notice that the other visitors to the castle were starting to leave.

Cy: Yn awyddus i archwilio mwy, aeth hi i edrych ar oriel o hen bortreadau a darllen am dywysogion a brenhinoedd a fu'n byw yno gynt.
En: Eager to explore more, she went to look at a gallery of old portraits and read about princes and kings who had once lived there.

Cy: Collodd hi ym myd y gorffennol, nes iddi sylweddoli bod gweddill y castell tawel iawn.
En: She lost herself in the world of the past, until she realized that the rest of the castle was very quiet.

Cy: Cerddodd trwy'r ystafelloedd wag a'r coridorau distaw, galwodd am help, ond doedd dim ymateb.
En: She walked through the empty rooms and quiet corridors, calling for help, but there was no response.

Cy: Roedd hi wedi'i chloi y tu mewn i Gastell Conwy ar ôl i'r dydd ddirwyn i ben.
En: She found herself locked inside Conwy Castle after the day had come to an end.

Cy: Wrth i'r noson dywyllu, dechreuodd Bethan deimlo'n bryderus.
En: As night fell, Bethan began to feel anxious.

Cy: Goleuni'r lleuad yn pasio trwy ffenestri uchel y castell a daeth y cysgodion yn fyw.
En: The moonlight passed through the high windows of the castle and the shadows came alive.

Cy: Tra'n eistedd ar y grisiau carreg, penderfynodd Bethan aros tan y bore cyn chwilio am ffordd allan eto.
En: Sitting on the stone steps, Bethan decided to wait until morning to look for a way out again.

Cy: Ond yna, aeth hi'n sylweddol o bresenoldeb rhywbeth arall - sŵn traed yn cilio'n y coridorau, chwerthin distaw ond byw.
En: But then, she realized the presence of something else - the sound of footsteps echoing through the corridors, quiet but lively laughter.

Cy: Cyn hir, daeth wyneb disglair, heini i'w golwg.
En: Before long, a bright face appeared, piercing her gaze.

Cy: Ysbryd oedd yma, efo gwen chwareus ar ei wyneb.
En: There was a spirit here, with a playful smile on its face.

Cy: Dywedodd ysbryd ei fod yn enwog am ei ddrwgdeimlad, ac enw'r ysbryd oedd Rhodri.
En: The spirit said it was famous for its mischievous nature, and the spirit's name was Rhodri.

Cy: Er ei syndod, doedd Rhodri ddim yn peri ofn iddi, ond yn hytrach deimlad o gysur a hiwmor.
En: To her surprise, Rhodri did not cause her fear, but rather a feeling of comfort and humor.

Cy: Fe wnaethon nhw dreulio'r nos yn sgwrsio, gyda Rhodri'n adrodd straeon am oesau a fu a Bethan yn gwrando'n eiddgar.
En: They spent the night chatting, with Rhodri recounting stories of ages past, and Bethan listening eagerly.

Cy: Wrth i'r oriau fynd heibio, daeth hi'n ffrindiau gyda'r ysbryd drwgdeimlad.
En: As the hours passed, she became friends with the mischievous spirit.

Cy: Wrth i'r wawr ddechrau torri, datrysodd Rhodri'r ddirgelwch am sut i ddianc o’r castell.
En: As dawn began to break, Rhodri solved the mystery of how to escape from the castle.

Cy: Roedd ganddo wybodaeth am gyfrinachau'r castell nad oedd neb arall yn gwybod amdanynt - gan gynnwys llwybr cuddiedig oedd yn arwain allan o’r castell.
En: He had knowledge of the castle's secrets that no one else knew - including a hidden path leading out of the castle.

Cy: Wedi dysgu am y llwybr hwnnw oddi wrth Rhodri, fe wnaeth Bethan ei dilyn a dod o hyd i fynedfa ddirgel.
En: After learning about the path from Rhodri, Bethan followed it and found a secret exit.

Cy: Roedd hi rŵan yn safio tu allan i furiau castell, wrth i oleuni'r bore ledaenu dros y dref.
En: She was now standing outside the castle walls, with the morning light spreading across the town.

Cy: Roedd hi'n ddiwrnod newydd ac roedd Bethan yn teimlo'n llawn diolchgarwch tuag at ei ffrind ysbrydol newydd, Rhodri.
En: It was a new day, and Bethan felt grateful to her new spirit friend, Rhodri.

Cy: Cyn iddi adael, trodd i edrych yn ôl ar y castell a gweld Rhodri'n chwifio ffarwel.
En: Before she left, she turned to look back at the castle and saw Rhodri waving goodbye.

Cy: Ag ef, roedd Bethan wedi dysgu gwers bwysig: weithiau, mewn lleoedd mwyaf annisgwyl, gallwn ddod o hyd i ffrindiau a chyfleoedd i ddysgu a thyfu.
En: With him, Bethan had learned an important lesson: sometimes, in the most unexpected places, we can find friends and opportunities to learn and grow.

Cy: Ac felly, gyda chalon lawn a phendantrwydd, aeth Bethan yn ôl i'w bywyd bob dydd, byth i anghofio ei hail noson yn Castell Conwy.
En: And so, with a full heart and determination, Bethan returned to her everyday life, never forgetting her night at Conwy Castle.