In this episode, we'll set sail with Lars and Sven as they encounter a hilarious and challenging adventure in the fjords, teaching us the value of perseverance and laughter amidst tangled oars and unexpected twists.
Nb: Lars og Sven skulle ut og seile i fjordene, men det var bare ett problem.
En: Lars and Sven were going out sailing in the fjords, but there was only one problem.
Nb: Årene deres hadde blitt floket sammen.
En: Their years had become entangled.
Nb: De prøvde å løse flokene, men jo mer de prøvde, jo verre ble det.
En: They tried to untangle the tangles, but the more they tried, the worse it got.
Nb: Lars og Sven begynte å ro, men båten deres endte opp med å snurre i sirkler.
En: Lars and Sven started to row, but their boat ended up spinning in circles.
Nb: Ingrid så på og lo hysterisk fra stranden.
En: Ingrid watched and laughed hysterically from the beach.
Nb: Båten deres var en vakker, tradisjonell trerobåt som de hadde fått av Lars' bestefar.
En: Their boat was a beautiful, traditional wooden rowing boat that they had been given by Lars' grandfather.
Nb: De hadde gledet seg til å bruke den i fjordene, men nå satt de fast.
En: They had been looking forward to using it in the fjords, but now they were stuck.
Nb: Lars følte seg dum.
En: Lars felt stupid.
Nb: Han visste at han burde ha sjekket årene før de dro ut.
En: He knew he should have checked the years before they went out.
Nb: Ingrid kunne ikke la være å le.
En: Ingrid couldn't help but laugh.
Nb: Hun hadde aldri sett noe så morsomt.
En: She had never seen anything so funny.
Nb: Lars og Sven snurret rundt og rundt i båten mens fjordene lo av dem.
En: Lars and Sven spun round and round in the boat while the fjords laughed at them.
Nb: Etter en stund bestemte Lars og Sven seg for å prøve noe annet.
En: After a while, Lars and Sven decided to try something else.
Nb: De slapp årene og begynte å padle med hendene.
En: They let go of the oars and started paddling with their hands.
Nb: Ingrid slutten å le og ropte: "Dere kan klare det!"
En: Ingrid finally laughed and shouted: "You can do it!"
Nb: Lars og Sven padlet hardt, men de snurret fortsatt i sirkler.
En: Lars and Sven paddled hard, but they were still spinning in circles.
Nb: De ga ikke opp.
En: They didn't give up.
Nb: De ville vise Ingrid at de kunne navigere båten sin.
En: They wanted to show Ingrid that they could navigate their boat.
Nb: Til slutt, etter mye prøving og feiling, klarte Lars og Sven endelig å rette opp båten.
En: Finally, after much trial and error, Lars and Sven finally managed to right the boat.
Nb: De ropte av glede, og Ingrid klappet begeistret fra stranden.
En: They shouted with joy, and Ingrid clapped excitedly from the beach.
Nb: Selv om turen deres hadde vært full av vanskeligheter, hadde de ikke gitt opp.
En: Although their journey had been full of difficulties, they had not given up.
Nb: Lars og Sven hadde lært en viktig leksjon om å være forberedt og ikke gi opp når ting blir tøft.
En: Lars and Sven had learned an important lesson about being prepared and not giving up when things get tough.
Nb: Mens de seilte videre, kunne de både seile og le sammen.
En: As they sailed on, they could both sail and laugh together.
Nb: De visste at de kunne møte enhver utfordring sammen, enten det var flokede årer eller noe annet.
En: They knew they could face any challenge together, whether it was tangled oars or anything else.
Nb: Og det var akkurat det de gjorde.
En: And that's exactly what they did.