In this episode, we'll explore the serendipitous turn of events that lead to an unexpected friendship under the rainy skies of Zagreb.
Hr: Zagrebačko je nebo izgledalo poput velikog sivog pokrivača koji je svakog trenutka mogao zaplakati.
En: The sky over Zagreb looked like a big gray blanket that could start crying at any moment.
Hr: Ana je brzim koracima hodala uzduž Ilice, posve ne svjesna kako će jedan mali događaj uskoro promijeniti njezin dan.
En: Ana walked quickly along Ilica, completely unaware of how a small incident would soon change her day.
Hr: U žurbi da uhvati tramvaj, nije primijetila da je sa klupe pokupila kišobran koji nije bio njezin.
En: In her hurry to catch the tram, she didn't notice that she had taken an umbrella from the bench that wasn't hers.
Hr: Kišobran je bio crven s malim bijelim točkicama – prava slatkoća.
En: The umbrella was red with small white dots – really cute.
Hr: Marko, koji je sjedio pored nje, uživao je u knjizi i ni sam nije skužio izmjenu.
En: Marko, who was sitting next to her, was enjoying a book and didn't even notice the swap.
Hr: Kada su prve kapi kiše počele padati, Ana je otvorila kišobran i nastavila hodati.
En: When the first raindrops began to fall, Ana opened the umbrella and continued walking.
Hr: Kiša je počela padati sve jače i Ana je samo zamišljala kako će doći kući potpuno suha.
En: The rain started to fall harder, and Ana could only imagine arriving home completely dry.
Hr: Ali ubrzo, njena se pozornost prebacila s kiše na fotografiju koja je visjela na unutarnjoj strani kišobrana.
En: But soon, her attention shifted from the rain to the photograph hanging on the inside of the umbrella.
Hr: Nasmiješeno lice Markovog psa Ivana gledalo je natrag u nju.
En: Ivan, Marko's dog, was smiling back at her.
Hr: "O, ne!
En: "Oh no!"
Hr: " uzviknula je.
En: she exclaimed.
Hr: "Ovo nije moj kišobran!
En: "This is not my umbrella!"
Hr: "Odlučila je vratiti kišobran Marku.
En: She decided to return the umbrella to Marko.
Hr: Znala je da on često sjedi u kafiću pokraj Botaničkog vrta, pa je tamo i krenula.
En: She knew he often sits in the café next to the Botanical Garden, so that's where she headed.
Hr: Ali, kako to obično biva, kiša je postajala sve jača, a Ana je počela trčati kako bi što prije pronašla Marka i vratila mu kišobran.
En: But as is usually the case, the rain was getting stronger, and Ana started to run to find Marko and return the umbrella as soon as possible.
Hr: Ana je stigla do kafića, ali Marka nije bilo.
En: Ana arrived at the café, but Marko was not there.
Hr: Konobar ju je uputio prema muzeju gdje Marko često ide nakon kave.
En: The waiter directed her to the museum, where Marko often goes after having a coffee.
Hr: "Hvala!
En: "Thank you!"
Hr: " viknula je između otkucaja kiše i zajurila prema muzeju.
En: she shouted amidst the rainfall and hurried towards the museum.
Hr: Trčala je kroz park Zrinjevac, sada već prilično mokra.
En: She ran through Zrinjevac park, now quite wet.
Hr: Kad je stigla do muzeja, vidjela je Marka kako sjedi na klupi pod velikim drvetom, štiteći se od kiše.
En: When she arrived at the museum, she saw Marko sitting on a bench under a big tree, sheltering from the rain.
Hr: Prilazila mu je nervozna i mokra, držeći kišobran iznad glave.
En: She approached him, nervous and wet, holding the umbrella over her head.
Hr: "Marko!
En: "Marko!"
Hr: " dozivala je.
En: she called.
Hr: "Oprosti, uzeo sam tvoj kišobran!
En: "I'm sorry, I took your umbrella!"
Hr: "Marko se nasmijao i ustao s klupe.
En: Marko laughed and stood up from the bench.
Hr: "Ma nema problema, Ana.
En: "No problem, Ana.
Hr: Znaš da se uvijek nešto zanimljivo dogodi kad si ti u blizini.
En: You know something interesting always happens when you're around."
Hr: " Rekao je to s osmijehom dok je uzimao svoj kišobran.
En: He said this with a smile as he took his umbrella.
Hr: "Ali sad si ti mokra.
En: "But now you're wet.
Hr: Dođi, podijelit ćemo kišobran.
En: Come, we'll share the umbrella."
Hr: "Zajedno su hodali ispod crvenog kišobrana s bijelim točkicama, smijući se i pričajući o svemu i svačemu.
En: They walked together under the red umbrella with white dots, laughing and talking about everything and nothing.
Hr: Kiša u Zagrebu više nije bila smetnja, već početak nove male avanture.
En: The rain in Zagreb was no longer a hindrance, but the start of a new little adventure.
Hr: A Ivan, Markov pas, sigurno bi vijao kišne kapljice, da je bio s njima.
En: And Ivan, Marko's dog, would surely have wagged his tail at the raindrops, if he had been with them.
Hr: Dan je završio sretno za sve – Ana je stekla novog prijatelja, Marko je dobio natrag svog dragog kišobrana, a nebo nad Zagrebom se razvedrilo baš kao i njihova srca.
En: The day ended happily for everyone – Ana gained a new friend, Marko got back his beloved umbrella, and the sky over Zagreb cleared up, just like their hearts.