Trapped in Time: Elevator Riddles & Rescues!

In this episode, we'll dive into an unexpected adventure within the ancient walls of Ljubljana Castle, where two friends turn a nerve-wracking elevator trap into a game of wits and riddles.

Sl: Nenadoma so se vrata dvigala zatresla in zvok je odmeval po starodavnem Ljubljanskem gradu.
En: Suddenly, the elevator doors shook and the sound reverberated through the ancient Ljubljana Castle.

Sl: Luka je pogledal Ano, ki je v znak presenečenja dvignila obrvi.
En: Luka looked at Ana, who raised her eyebrows in surprise.

Sl: Dvigalo se je ustavilo. Tišina. Elektrika je odpovedala.
En: The elevator stopped. Silence. The electricity had failed.

Sl: Ana je izvlekla telefon, a v tem starih zidovih ni bilo signala.
En: Ana pulled out her phone, but there was no signal in these old walls.

Sl: Pogledala je Luka, ki je že potegnil iz nahrbtnika majhno svetilko.
En: She looked at Luka, who had already taken out a small flashlight from his backpack.

Sl: "Pa kaj zdaj?" je zaskrbljeno vprašala Ana.
En: "Now what?" Ana asked worriedly.

Sl: "Poskusiva ostati mirna," je odvrnil Luka, "ravno sva bila na poti, da si ogledava gradu, zdaj pa imava pravi gradski pustolovščino."
En: "Let's try to stay calm," Luka replied. "We were just on our way to explore the castle, and now we have a real castle adventure."

Sl: Da bi pregnala strah, je Ana predlagala igro. "Uganke," je rekla. "To bo zabavno in čas bo hitreje minil."
En: To dispel their fear, Ana suggested a game. "Riddles," she said. "It will be fun and time will pass more quickly."

Sl: Luka je privolil in začel, "Sem manjši od hiše, a v meni se skriva gozd. Kaj sem?"
En: Luka agreed and started, "I'm smaller than a house, but a forest hides inside me. What am I?"

Sl: Ana je razmišljala, mrzel veter je tiho zavijal okoli gradu. "Knjiga," je odvrnila z nasmehom.
En: Ana thought, the cold wind quietly whistling around the castle. "A book," she replied with a smile.

Sl: Luka je ploskal. Zdaj je bila na vrsti Ana. "Brez oken, brez vrat, polna gostov. Kaj je to?"
En: Luka applauded. Now it was Ana's turn. "No windows, no doors, full of guests. What is it?"

Sl: "Jabolko!" se je hihital Luka.
En: "An apple!" Luka chuckled.

Sl: Tako sta nadaljevala, uro za uro, dokler se nenadoma niso stene zopet zatresle in svetloba je zasvetila. Dvigalo se je premaknilo.
En: They continued like this for hours, until suddenly the walls shook again and the light came on. The elevator moved.

Sl: Ko sta stopila iz dvigala, sta se oba počutila, kot da sta preživela pravo dogodivščino.
En: When they stepped out of the elevator, they both felt like they had experienced a real adventure.

Sl: In ko so se njune poti razšle, sta vedela, da ta pripetljaj v starih zidovih Ljubljanskega gradu ne bosta nikoli pozabila.
En: And as their paths diverged, they knew they would never forget this incident in the old walls of Ljubljana Castle.

Sl: Skupaj sta se zasmejala nepričakovanemu dnevu in se dogovorila za naslednje srečanje, obljubljena prava tura gradu, tokrat po stopnicah.
En: They laughed together at the unexpected day and agreed to meet again for a promised proper castle tour, this time taking the stairs.