Unforgettable Sea Monster Story: Ole’s Adventure

In this episode, we'll join Ingrid, Lars, and Ole on a wild and unforgettable adventure as they discover the truth behind the mythical Norwegian sea monster.

Nb: Ingrid og Lars pekte og lo av Ole.
En: Ingrid and Lars pointed and laughed at Ole.

Nb: "Hvorfor er du så redd for å isfiske?"
En: "Why are you so afraid of ice fishing?"

Nb: spurte de.
En: they asked.

Nb: "Du er en tøffing!"
En: "You're a tough guy!"

Nb: Ole sa ingenting, og i stedet dro han ut en imaginær fisk fra vannet.
En: Ole said nothing, and instead he pulled an imaginary fish out of the water.

Nb: "Se på denne fisken!"
En: "Look at this fish!"

Nb: sa Ole.
En: said Ole.

Nb: "Den er gigantisk!"
En: "It's gigantic!"

Nb: Ingrid og Lars lo enda mer.
En: Ingrid and Lars laughed even more.

Nb: "Norsk sjømonster!"
En: "Norwegian sea monster!"

Nb: ropte Ole.
En: cried Ole.

Nb: Men plutselig hørte de et stort plask i vannet.
En: But suddenly they heard a big splash in the water.

Nb: Noe beveget seg under isen.
En: Something moved under the ice.

Nb: Ingrid, Lars og Ole stirret på hverandre.
En: Ingrid, Lars and Ole stared at each other.

Nb: Ole hadde kanskje ikke diktet opp historien likevel.
En: Ole might not have made up the story after all.

Nb: "La oss ta en titt," sa Ingrid.
En: "Let's take a look," said Ingrid.

Nb: De gjorde et hull i isen og kikket ned.
En: They made a hole in the ice and looked down.

Nb: Plutselig så de et stort øye stirre tilbake på dem.
En: Suddenly they saw a large eye staring back at them.

Nb: Det var ekte.
En: It was real.

Nb: De hadde fanget en gigantisk fisk, akkurat som Ole hadde sagt.
En: They had caught a giant fish, just as Ole had said.

Nb: De jublet og hylte i glede.
En: They cheered and howled in joy.

Nb: "Norsk sjømonster er EKTE!"
En: "Norwegian sea monster is REAL!"

Nb: ropte Ole.
En: cried Ole.

Nb: De tilbrakte resten av dagen med å fiske, grille og le.
En: They spent the rest of the day fishing, barbecuing and laughing.

Nb: Ole var ikke lenger redd for å ta sjanser og prøve nye ting.
En: Ole was no longer afraid to take chances and try new things.

Nb: Han hadde vist seg selv og vennene hans at han ikke var så redd som de trodde.
En: He had shown himself and his friends that he wasn't as scared as they thought.

Nb: Men enda viktigere, de hadde opplevd noe magisk sammen og hadde en uforglemmelig historie å fortelle.
En: But more importantly, they had experienced something magical together and had an unforgettable story to tell.