Sneaker Snafu: Park Patz Gone Right

Fluent Fiction – Romanian Story Transcript: Ro: Într-o zi însorită de primăvară, Alexandru decide să se plimbe prin parcul Herăstrău din București. En: On a sunny spring day, Alexandru decides to take a stroll through Herăstrău Park in Bucharest. Ro: Îmbrăcat cu o pălărie colorată și pantaloni scurți, avea în picioare cele mai noi…

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Mistaken Meows: A Tale of Two Múrkos

Fluent Fiction – Slovak Story Transcript: Sk: V Bratislavskej štvrti plnej príjemných malých domov, kde každý pozná každého, žila dievčina menom Eva. En: In a Bratislava neighborhood full of pleasant small houses, where everyone knows each other, there lived a girl named Eva. Sk: Eva bola veselého ducha. En: Eva was of cheerful spirit.…

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Lost & Found: A Wild Adventure at Plitvice

Fluent Fiction – Croatian Story Transcript: Hr: Bio jednom jedan sunčan dan u gradu Zagrebu. En: Once upon a sunny day in the city of Zagreb. Hr: Ivan, Marija i Marko bili su dobri prijatelji koji su odlučili posjetiti čuveni Nacionalni park Plitvička jezera. En: Ivan, Marija, and Marko were good friends who decided…

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The Misadventure of Ahmad’s Fiery Bite

Fluent Fiction – Indonesian Story Transcript: Id: Di sebuah kota kecil yang ceria, ada sebuah pasar yang ramai dikunjungi oleh beragam orang. En: In a cheerful small town, there is a bustling market visited by various people. Id: Di pasar tersebut, Ahmad dan Rahma, dua teman yang selalu berpetualang bersama, memutuskan untuk mencari bahan…

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The Tale of Two Zhang Weis: A Twist in the Birthday Party

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese Chinese Story Transcript: Zh: 一天,阳光透过繁花簇拥的窗户,洒满了小城的每个角落。 En: One day, sunlight filtered through the blooming window and filled every corner of the small town. Zh: 李明、王霞和几位朋友正围坐在树荫繁茂的公园里,他们正在精心策划那虚无缥缈的“完美”的生日聚会。 En: Li Ming, Wang Xia, and a few friends were sitting under the shady trees in the park, carefully planning the elusive “perfect” birthday party.…

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Rainy Bond: Friendship Soaked in the Streets of Athens

Fluent Fiction – Greek Story Transcript: El: Ήταν μια κανονική στιγμή, μια από εκείνες που μόλις περάσει, την αφήνουν πίσω της στην ομίχλη της καθημερινότητας. En: It was a normal moment, one of those that just passes, leaving them behind in the fog of everyday life. El: Ο Ιωάννης, η Μαρία και η Σοφία…

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Navigating the Heart of Budapest: A Journey of Wrong Turns and Revealing Beauty

Fluent Fiction – Hungarian Story Transcript: Hu: Ahogy a hajnal első sugarai megérintették a Duna gyöngyöző hullámait, úgy ébredt fel Budapest szívét alakító Árpád. Az álmos szemekkel csillogó férfi felkelt, étvágygerjesztő fekete kávéját szorongatva nézte a híres híd ragyogó képét, amit a nap első sugarai világítottak meg. Ujja hegyével megérintette a térkép régen látott…

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An Invitation by Mistake

Fluent Fiction – Korean Story Transcript: Ko: 제목: “실수로 온 초대”서울의 한 복잡한 길에 위치한 코지한 카페에서, 지훈의 일상이 흥미진진한 이야기로 바뀌게 되었다. En: Title: “An Invitation by Mistake” At a cozy café nestled on a busy street in Seoul, Jihun’s ordinary routine took an exciting turn. Ko: 서울의 흥미로운 명소 중 하나인 인사동…

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A Love Revealed: A Tale of Victory and Romance

Fluent Fiction – Polish Story Transcript: Pl: Przepełniony radością, Wojciech wpadł do izby Katarzyny, w której siedziała przy biurku. En: Filled with joy, Wojciech burst into Katarzyna’s room where she was sitting at her desk. Pl: “Polska wygrała! En: “Poland has won!” Pl: ” – krzyknął, a echo jego słów odbiło się echem od…

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Building Connections: The Untold Tale of an Ikea Furniture Assembly

Fluent Fiction – Swedish Story Transcript: Sv: Vi är i Stockholm. En: We are in Stockholm. Sv: Solen skiner. En: The sun is shining. Sv: Människor tar bilder vid Kungliga Slottet. En: People are taking pictures at the Royal Palace. Sv: Långt ifrån turistmassorna, i en lägenhet, sitter tre vänner: Anders, Sofia och Lucas.…

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