Alessandro’s Journey of Compassion

Fluent Fiction – Italian
Alessandro’s Journey of Compassion

Story Transcript:
It: Il sole stava tramontando, gettando una tenue luce rosa sulle strade acciottolate dell’Emilia-Romagna.
En: The sun was setting, casting a soft pink light over the cobblestone streets of Emilia-Romagna.

It: Alessandro, un giovane medico, lo guardava in contemplazione mentre camminava.
En: Alessandro, a young doctor, watched it in contemplation as he walked.

It: Quando ha raggiunto l’orfanotrofio in Trentino, la sua mente si è spostata dalla bellezza del tramonto al compito che aveva davanti a sé.
En: As he reached the orphanage in Trentino, his mind shifted from the beauty of the sunset to the task he had ahead of him.

It: Era lì per offrire il suo tempo e la sua esperienza, ma provava uno strano senso di trepidazione.
En: He was here to volunteer his time and expertise, but he felt a strange sense of trepidation.

It: Era stata una lunga giornata per Alessandro.
En: It had been a long day for Alessandro.

It: Dopo un’intera giornata in ospedale, si era fermato all’orfanotrofio per vedere come poteva essere d’aiuto.
En: After a full day at the hospital, he had stopped by the orphanage to see how he could help.

It: Era cresciuto lì e ricordava come i bambini avessero sempre amato le sue visite.
En: He had grown up here, and he remembered how the kids had always loved his visits.

It: Era sicuro che oggi non sarebbe stato diverso.
En: He was sure that today would be no different.

It: Alessandro fu accolto sulla porta da una giovane ragazza, che si presentò come Lucia.
En: Alessandro was greeted at the door by a young girl, who introduced herself as Lucia.

It: Era gentile e cordiale, e Alessandro si è sentito subito a suo agio.
En: She was polite and friendly, and Alessandro instantly felt at ease.

It: Gli mostrò l’orfanotrofio e gli spiegò brevemente come funzionava.
En: She showed him around the orphanage and briefly explained how it operated.

It: Era impressionato da quanto fosse organizzato e pulito il posto.
En: He was impressed with how organized and clean the place was.

It: Lucia accompagnò Alessandro in infermeria, dove trovò diversi bambini malati.
En: Lucia showed Alessandro to the medical room, where he found several sick children.

It: Si è subito messo al lavoro per valutarli e presto la stanza si è riempita di risate e sorrisi.
En: He quickly got to work assessing them, and soon the room was filled with laughter and smiles.

It: Era in grado di diagnosticare e curare malattie e ferite minori ed era grato di poter far sorridere i loro volti.
En: He was able to diagnose and treat minor illnesses and injuries, and he was grateful to be able to put a smile on their faces.

It: Passarono alcune settimane e Alessandro poté visitare più volte l’orfanotrofio.
En: A few weeks passed, and Alessandro was able to visit the orphanage several times.

It: Ha visto gli stessi bambini ogni volta ed è stato in grado di costruire un rapporto con loro.
En: He saw the same children each time, and he was able to build a relationship with them.

It: Era gentile e paziente con loro, ed era impressionato dalla rapidità con cui si erano adattati alla sua presenza.
En: He was kind and patient with them, and he was impressed with how quickly they had adapted to his presence.

It: Un giorno Lucia raccontò ad Alessandro di un bambino di nome Marco.
En: One day, Lucia told Alessandro about a little boy named Marco.

It: Era orfano e viveva nell’orfanotrofio da alcuni anni.
En: He was an orphan and had been living in the orphanage for a few years.

It: Alessandro è rimasto scioccato nel sentire che Marco conviveva con una grave infezione agli occhi, che non era stata curata da tempo.
En: Alessandro was shocked to hear that Marco had been living with a severe eye infection, which had been left untreated for some time.

It: Si è subito offerto di esaminarlo e di provvedere alle cure necessarie.
En: He immediately offered to examine him and provide the necessary treatments.

It: Alessandro trascorse le settimane successive concentrando i suoi sforzi su Marco.
En: Alessandro spent the next few weeks focusing his efforts on Marco.

It: Riuscì a diagnosticare e curare l’infezione e finalmente Marco iniziò a mostrare segni di miglioramento.
En: He was able to diagnose and treat the infection, and Marco finally began to show signs of improvement.

It: Era un ragazzino resiliente e Alessandro era determinato a dargli le migliori cure possibili.
En: He was a resilient little boy, and Alessandro was determined to give him the best care he possibly could.

It: Finalmente, dopo mesi di duro lavoro, Alessandro è riuscito a curare Marco dall’infezione agli occhi.
En: Finally, after months of hard work, Alessandro was able to cure Marco of his eye infection.

It: Era pieno di gioia e soddisfazione, sapendo di aver fatto la differenza nella vita di un bambino.
En: He was filled with joy and satisfaction, knowing that he had made a difference in the life of a child.

It: Abbracciò forte Marco e gli promise che ci sarebbe stato sempre per lui.
En: He hugged Marco tightly and promised that he would always be there for him.

It: L’esperienza di volontariato di Alessandro lo aveva cambiato.
En: Alessandro’s volunteering experience had changed him.

It: Era pieno di un ritrovato apprezzamento per la vita ed era determinato a continuare ad aiutare i bisognosi.
En: He was filled with a newfound appreciation for life and was determined to continue helping those in need.

It: Ha detto addio, sapendo che poteva sempre tornare a trovarlo.
En: He said his goodbyes, knowing that he could always come back and visit.

It: Alessandro guardava il sole al tramonto mentre lasciava l’orfanotrofio.
En: Alessandro watched the setting sun as he left the orphanage.

It: Pensò a Marco e agli altri bambini che aveva aiutato, e sorrise.
En: He thought of Marco and the other children he had helped, and he smiled.

It: Aveva preso del tempo dal suo fitto programma per fare volontariato, ma alla fine era stato lui quello che aveva guadagnato di più.
En: He had taken time out of his busy schedule to volunteer, but in the end, he had been the one who had gained the most.

Vocabulary Words:
Alessandro : Alessandro
Emilia-Romagna : Emilia-Romagna
Trentino : Trentino
Lucia : Lucia
infermeria : medical room
malattie : illnesses
sorrisi : smiles
Marco : Marco
orfanotrofio : orphanage
diagnosticare : diagnose
curare : treat
resiliente : resilient
esaminare : examine
cure : treatments
infezione : infection
miglioramento : improvement
volontariato : volunteer
apprezzamento : appreciation
tramonto : sunset
contemplazione : contemplation
acciottolate : cobblestone
ospedale : hospital
organizzato : organised
pulito : clean
valutarli : assessing
risate : laughter
adattati : adapted
grave : severe
curare : cure
far sorridere : put a smile
fitto programma : busy schedule
guadagnato di più : gained the most