Cycling Through a Festival Frenzy

In this episode, we'll join Lars, Mette, and Anders in their chaotic adventure to a festival, where bicycles and beers prove to be a tricky combination.

Da: Lars, Mette og Anders skulle til en festival i København.
En: Lars, Mette and Anders were going to a festival in Copenhagen.

Da: De havde købt 20 øl til at tage med.
En: They had bought 20 beers to take away.

Da: Men da de skulle af sted, opdagede de, at de havde glemt en cykel.
En: But when they were about to leave, they discovered that they had forgotten a bicycle.

Da: De tænkte, at de kunne tage en cykel hver og så bære øllene imens.
En: They thought they could take a bike each and then carry the beers in the meantime.

Da: Men da de kom ud på gaden, var der så mange mennesker, at det var svært at cykle.
En: But when they got out into the street, there were so many people that it was difficult to cycle.

Da: Folk gik og dansede og råbte og sang.
En: People walked and danced and shouted and sang.

Da: Lars cyklede først og forsøgte at undvige de mennesker, der kom i hans vej, men det lykkedes ikke altid, og han var ved at miste øllene.
En: Lars cycled first and tried to avoid the people who got in his way, but he didn't always succeed and he was losing the beers.

Da: Mette og Anders fulgte efter ham og forsøgte også at undvige de mange mennesker.
En: Mette and Anders followed him and also tried to avoid the many people.

Da: Det var en stor udfordring, men de grinede højt og forsøgte at have det sjovt alligevel.
En: It was a big challenge, but they laughed out loud and tried to have fun anyway.

Da: Efter et stykke tid blev de mere og mere trætte, men de ville ikke stoppe.
En: After a while they got more and more tired, but they didn't want to stop.

Da: Til sidst nåede de festivalpladsen, og der var en stor åben plads, hvor de kunne parkere cyklerne og sætte øllene fra sig.
En: Eventually they reached the festival grounds and there was a large open space where they could park their bikes and put down their beers.

Da: Lars sagde: "Hold da op, det var en tur!
En: Lars said: "Stop it, it was a trip!

Da: Men se nu, hvor vi er!"
En: But now look where we are!"

Da: Og de satte sig ned og nød deres øl mens de hørte musikken og så de mange mennesker danse og have det sjovt.
En: And they sat down and enjoyed their beer while listening to the music and watching the many people dancing and having fun.