In this episode, we'll join Wayan, Siti, and Rizky on a joyous trip to Borobudur Temple, filled with laughter, cherished memories, and the beauty of friendship.
Id: Di pagi yang cerah, Wayan, Siti, dan Rizky pergi ke Candi Borobudur.
En: On a bright morning, Wayan, Siti, and Rizky went to Borobudur Temple.
Id: Mereka ingin melihat keindahan candi itu.
En: They wanted to see the beauty of the temple.
Id: Wayan merasa sangat senang.
En: Wayan felt very happy.
Id: Ini pertama kalinya dia di Borobudur.
En: It was his first time at Borobudur.
Id: Ketika tiba di Candi Borobudur, mereka melihat banyak turis.
En: When they arrived at Borobudur Temple, they saw many tourists.
Id: Beberapa turis memakai selendang batik.
En: Some tourists were wearing batik scarves.
Id: "Kita juga harus memakai batik," kata Siti.
En: "We should wear batik too," said Siti.
Id: "Ayo kita ambil selendang batik di pintu masuk.
En: "Let's get batik scarves at the entrance."
Id: "Mereka pun menuju pintu masuk.
En: They then headed to the entrance.
Id: Wayan, Siti, dan Rizky menerima selendang batik dari petugas.
En: Wayan, Siti, and Rizky received batik scarves from an attendant.
Id: Petugas berkata, "Pakai selendang ini sebelum masuk ke candi.
En: The attendant said, "Wear this scarf before entering the temple."
Id: "Rizky dan Siti mulai memakai selendang batik mereka.
En: Rizky and Siti started wearing their batik scarves.
Id: Siti membantu Wayan memakai selendangnya.
En: Siti helped Wayan put on his scarf.
Id: Tapi, Wayan merasa sedikit bingung.
En: However, Wayan felt a little confused.
Id: Ketika Wayan bersiap masuk, tiba-tiba terdengar suara tawa.
En: As Wayan was about to enter, suddenly there was laughter.
Id: Banyak orang melihat Wayan.
En: Many people were looking at Wayan.
Id: Ternyata, Wayan memakai sandal jepit, bukan selendang batik!
En: It turned out that Wayan was wearing flip-flops, not the batik scarf!
Id: Siti dan Rizky tertawa.
En: Siti and Rizky laughed.
Id: "Wayan, kau memakai sandal jepit!
En: "Wayan, you're wearing flip-flops!"
Id: " kata Rizky sambil tertawa.
En: said Rizky while laughing.
Id: Wayan melihat ke bawah dan ikut tertawa.
En: Wayan looked down and laughed along.
Id: "Oh, aku salah pakai!
En: "Oh, I put on the wrong thing!"
Id: "Wayan segera mengganti sandal jepit dengan selendang batik.
En: Wayan quickly replaced his flip-flops with the batik scarf.
Id: Semua orang tertawa.
En: Everyone was laughing.
Id: “Tidak apa-apa, Wayan,” kata Siti.
En: "It's okay, Wayan," said Siti.
Id: “Ini hanya kesalahan kecil.
En: "It's just a small mistake."
Id: ”Mereka bertiga lalu masuk ke candi.
En: The three of them then entered the temple.
Id: Mereka menikmati keindahan Borobudur.
En: They enjoyed the beauty of Borobudur.
Id: Mereka mengambil banyak foto.
En: They took many photos.
Id: Saat matahari terbenam, mereka duduk di tangga candi.
En: As the sun set, they sat on the temple steps.
Id: “Ini pengalaman yang sangat berharga,” kata Wayan.
En: "This is such a valuable experience," said Wayan.
Id: “Terima kasih, Siti dan Rizky.
En: "Thank you, Siti and Rizky."
Id: ”Siti tersenyum, “Kita akan kembali lagi suatu saat.
En: Siti smiled, "We will come back someday."
Id: ”Dengan hati gembira, mereka pulang.
En: With happy hearts, they went home.
Id: Borobudur menjadi tempat kenangan indah.
En: Borobudur became a place of beautiful memories.
Id: Mereka tertawa mengenang sandal jepit Wayan.
En: They laughed, remembering Wayan's flip-flops.
Id: Hari itu menjadi hari yang istimewa.
En: That day became a special day.
Id: Cerita pun berakhir dengan tawa dan kebahagiaan.
En: The story ended with laughter and happiness.
Id: Wayan belajar untuk lebih hati-hati.
En: Wayan learned to be more careful.
Id: Siti dan Rizky merasa senang bisa berbagi momen lucu dengan sahabat mereka.
En: Siti and Rizky were happy to share a funny moment with their friend.
Id: Mereka tahu, persahabatan mereka akan selalu erat.
En: They knew their friendship would always remain strong.