explore a cozy Welsh pub where leek soup serves as the catalyst for cultural immersion and unexpected linguistic adventures
Cy: Ar noswaith wyntog a gwlyb, aeth tri ffrind i'r dafarn Gymreig hynafol yn y pentref bychan.
En: On a windy and damp evening, three friends went to the oldest Welsh pub in the small village.
Cy: Dylan oedd y mwyaf, gyda blew tywyll a gwên eang.
En: Dylan was the tallest, with dark hair and a wide smile.
Cy: Rhian, yn llawn egni a chapten tîm pêl-droed y pentref.
En: Rhian, full of energy and the captain of the village football team.
Cy: Ac yna Megan, â'i llyfrau a'i breuddwydion mawrion.
En: And then Megan, with her books and grand dreams.
Cy: Roeddynt yn chwilio am noson o hwyl a sgwrs, ond hefyd am bethau poeth i'w bwyta - cawl cennin.
En: They were looking for a night of fun and conversation, but also for some hot food to eat - leek soup.
Cy: Camodd y tri ffrind i mewn i'r dafarn, lle'r aroglodd cymysgedd anhygoel o brag amrwd a thân coed.
En: The three friends stepped into the pub, where they were greeted by an incredible mix of raw ale and wood fire scent.
Cy: Y tu mewn, roedd y lle'n llewyrchus a chroesawgar.
En: Inside, the place was bright and welcoming.
Cy: Waliau carreg, trawstiau pren a thân yn nythu yn y lle tân.
En: Stone walls, wooden beams and a fire nesting in the fireplace.
Cy: Dylan aeth at y bar i archebu, efo'i Gymraeg rhydlyd ond falch.
En: Dylan went to the bar to order, with his proud but rusty Welsh.
Cy: "Ga i dair peint o..." meddai'n araf, ond stopiodd pan sylweddolodd na wyddai sut i ddweud 'cawl cennin' yn Gymraeg.
En: "Can I have three pints of..." he said slowly, but stopped when he realized he didn't know how to say 'leek soup' in Welsh.
Cy: Rhian chwarddodd a thriodd ei helpu, ond doedd hi ddim yn gwybod chwaith.
En: Rhian chuckled and tried to help, but she didn't know either.
Cy: Megan, a losgai i ddangos ei gwybodaeth, atebodd yn gryf, "cawl cennin ydy soup leeks!"
En: Megan, eager to show her knowledge, answered strongly, "cawl cennin is leek soup!"
Cy: Fodd bynnag, y landlord, sy'n dyn hynod o falch o'i draddodiadau a'i iaith, penderfynodd rhoi gwers byr i'r cyfeillion.
En: However, the landlord, who was extremely proud of his traditions and language, decided to give the friends a short lesson.
Cy: Eisteddodd y tri wrth fwrdd pren hir a gwrandawodd wrth iddo esbonio bod cawl cennin yn gwrs canolog mewn bwytai traddodiadol Cymreig.
En: The trio sat at a long wooden table and listened as he explained that leek soup is a central course in traditional Welsh dining.
Cy: Ac mai 'cawl cennin' yw'r enw cywir.
En: And 'cawl cennin' is the correct name.
Cy: Wrth iddynt aros am eu harcheb, manteisiodd y tri ffrind i ddysgu mwy o eiriau Cymraeg.
En: While they waited for their order, the three friends took the opportunity to learn more Welsh words.
Cy: Roedd gan y tafarn gefndir o gerddoriaeth Gymreig, oedd yn troi'r noson yn un hyfryd.
En: The pub had a background of Welsh music, which made the evening delightful.
Cy: Cysylltodd y tri ffrind â'r diwylliant a'r iaith mewn ffordd newydd drwy sgwrs a chwerthin.
En: The three friends connected with the culture and language in a new way through conversation and laughter.
Cy: Pan gyrhaeddodd y cawl cennin, roedd yn ddwym a blasus, yn union fel y dafarn ei hun.
En: When the leek soup arrived, it was warm and tasty, just like the pub itself.
Cy: Yn yr awyrgylch gynnes a chartrefol, aethant ati i fwynhau'r cawl, yn llawn balchder o'r Gymraeg bach roeddynt wedi'i dysgu.
En: In the warm and homely atmosphere, they set about enjoying the soup, proud of the little Welsh they had learned.
Cy: Gyda boliau gwag a chalonau cynnes, sylweddolodd y tri ffrind fod mwy na dim ond cawl wedi'i archebu.
En: With empty bowls and warm hearts, the three friends realized that they had ordered more than just soup.
Cy: Roeddant wedi archebu cenhadaeth newydd i ddysgu a charu'r iaith Gymraeg.
En: They had ordered a new mission to learn and love the Welsh language.
Cy: A gyda'r noson yn cloi, gwyddai pob un ohonynt y byddai hi'n brofiad na anghofiwyd byth - noson pan ddaeth cawl cennin yn llawer mwy na dim ond pryd o fwyd.
En: And as the night concluded, they knew each of them had experienced an unforgettable experience - a night when leek soup became much more than just a meal.