Unearthing Legends: Discovering Snowdonia’s Ancient Treasure

In this episode, we'll journey with Rhiannon and Gareth as they uncover the hidden treasures and ancient secrets buried within the enchanting landscapes of Snowdonia.

Cy: Clywch, clywch, fy ffrindiaid, ac ymuna â mi ar daith ryfeddol yng Ngwlad y Rwla.
En: Hear ye, hear ye, my friends, and join me on a marvelous journey in the Land of the Rwla.

Cy: Uwchben y bryniau godidog a'r coed telynegol, roedd y cwmwl yn dawnsio.
En: Above the splendid hills and the enchanting trees, the cloud was dancing.

Cy: Dyma stori Rhiannon a Gareth, dau ffrind sy'n caru natur.
En: This is the story of Rhiannon and Gareth, two friends who love nature.

Cy: Roedd hi'n fore braf yn Eryri.
En: It was a beautiful morning in Snowdonia.

Cy: Dechreuodd y daith o bentref bach ym mynyddoedd Cymru.
En: The journey began from a small village in the mountains of Wales.

Cy: Roedd y dydd yn llawn addewidion.
En: The day was full of promises.

Cy: Roedd yr haul yn tywynnu, a'r awel yn ffrwythlon.
En: The sun was shining, and the breeze was fruitful.

Cy: Aeth Rhiannon a Gareth allan i archwilio llwybrau Eryri.
En: Rhiannon and Gareth set out to explore the paths of Snowdonia.

Cy: Dringasant y llwybrau serth gyda cherdded llawen.
En: They ascended the steep trails with joyful steps.

Cy: "Edrych ar y golygfeydd, Gareth!" gwaeddodd Rhiannon.
En: "Look at the views, Gareth!" shouted Rhiannon.

Cy: Roedd y golygfeydd yn wyllt a hardd, y ffordd yn llawn o fflora gwirioneddol.
En: The views were wild and beautiful, the path filled with true flora.

Cy: Yr oeddent fel mewn stori tylwyth teg.
En: They felt like they were in a fairy tale.

Cy: Wrth iddynt symud ymlaen, sylwodd Gareth ar rywbeth annisgwyl.
En: As they moved forward, Gareth noticed something unexpected.

Cy: "Edrych Rhiannon, beth yw hynny?" Clywch!
En: "Look, Rhiannon, what is that?" Listen!

Cy: Roedd wal hen sefyll ymhellach.
En: An old wall was standing further ahead.

Cy: Cytunodd Rhiannon archwilio.
En: Rhiannon agreed to explore.

Cy: Wrth iddynt agosáu, roedd y wal wedi'i domio gan amser a phlanhigion gwyllt.
En: As they approached, the wall was worn down by time and wild plants.

Cy: Clywodd y ddau swn rhyfedd o'r adfeilion.
En: The two heard a strange sound from the ruins.

Cy: "Aros, edrychwn ni," meddai Rhiannon.
En: "Wait, let's look," said Rhiannon.

Cy: Cymerodd hi gamau araf i mewn i'r lleoliad.
En: She took slow steps into the place.

Cy: Roedd y lle wedi'i orchuddio â llwydni, yn llawn coetir.
En: It was covered in moss, filled with woodland.

Cy: Roedd traddodiadau'r gorffennol yn fyw yma.
En: The traditions of the past were alive here.

Cy: Ym chwympoedd y lle, gwelodd Gareth arwyddau o fywyd hynafol.
En: In the depths of the place, Gareth saw signs of ancient life.

Cy: Yr oedd lluniau a cherfiadau ar y waliau.
En: There were pictures and carvings on the walls.

Cy: "Edrych, yr hen bobl!" Meddai Gareth, cyffroddus.
En: "Look, the ancient people!" Gareth said excitedly.

Cy: Mewn un cornel, gwelodd Gareth ac Rhiannon deml hen.
En: In one corner, Gareth and Rhiannon saw an old temple.

Cy: Aros wnaethant, wedi'u swyno gan yr hanes a theimlad y lle.
En: They stayed, enchanted by the history and the feel of the place.

Cy: Roedd yma symbolau o fywyd a marwolaeth, o gariad a cholled.
En: There were symbols of life and death, of love and loss.

Cy: "Ydy’n bosib bod gennym ni drysor yma?" Roedd barn Rhiannon yn fflachio'n gleision gyda drychfeddwl.
En: "Is it possible that we have a treasure here?" Rhiannon's eyes flashed with thought.

Cy: Roedd hi'n warchod rhywbeth pwysig.
En: She was guarding something important.

Cy: Penderfynodd Gareth, “Dylwn ni adrodd hyn i'r hanesyddion!”
En: Gareth decided, “We should report this to the historians!”

Cy: Echoai'r geiriau trwy'r gofod a thrwyr galon y lle.
En: The words echoed through the space and through the heart of the place.

Cy: Cytunodd y ddau a chytunasant na fyddai'r gyfrinach hon yn ddi-ystyrlon.
En: Both agreed that this secret would not be insignificant.

Cy: Ar ôl hynny, dychwelyd enethant i lawr y mynyddoedd gyda stori i’w ddweud wrth bawb.
En: After that, they returned down the mountains with a story to tell everyone.

Cy: Roedd calonnau'r ddau yn llawn llawenydd a balchder, bod yr hyn y maent wedi'i ddarganfod yn anhygoel.
En: The hearts of the two were full of joy and pride, that what they had discovered was incredible.

Cy: Roedden nhw wedi bod yn rhyfeddol.
En: They had been marvelous.

Cy: Felly, gyrhaeddant yn ôl y pentref gyda'r newyddion gwych.
En: So, they returned to the village with the great news.

Cy: “Roeddem yn darganfod trysor hanesyddol!” Dywedodd Rhiannon wrth y bobl leol.
En: “We discovered a historical treasure!” Rhiannon told the locals.

Cy: Gwrandawodd pawb mewn edmygedd.
En: Everyone listened in admiration.

Cy: Roedd y pentref yn falch ohonynt.
En: The village was proud of them.

Cy: Fe wnaeth y darganfyddiad atgyfnerthu eu cwlwm gyda phobl y gorffennol ac fe'i gadwyd yn ddiogel.
En: The discovery strengthened their bond with the people of the past and was kept safe.

Cy: Cyfarchwyd Rhiannon a Gareth gyda rhoddion caredig a chlod uchel.
En: Rhiannon and Gareth were greeted with kind gifts and high praise.

Cy: Roedd yn amser i gofio, gwnïo breuddwydion newydd, a rhannu’r hanesion gyda'r byd.
En: It was a time to remember, to sew new dreams, and to share the stories with the world.

Cy: Roedd gan Eryri gyfrinachau i edrych eto, ac yr oedd Rhiannon a Gareth yn barod.
En: Snowdonia had secrets yet to unveil, and Rhiannon and Gareth were ready.

Cy: A dyna fel ag yr oedd hi – gyda chwmwl dawnsio yn seren canolog eu llygaid.
En: And that’s how it was – with a dancing cloud as the central star of their eyes.

Cy: Diolch am wrando, fy ffrindiau.
En: Thank you for listening, my friends.

Cy: Byddwch yn dewr fel Rhiannon a Gareth, ac efallai cewch chithau hyd i hen gyfrinachau y byd.
En: Be brave like Rhiannon and Gareth, and perhaps you too will find the old secrets of the world.