Unwavering Love: A Family’s Journey

Fluent Fiction – Mandarin Chinese
www.FluentFiction.org/Mandarin Chinese
Unwavering Love: A Family’s Journey

Story Transcript:
Zh: 这是一次与众不同的庆祝活动。
En: It was a celebration unlike any other.

Zh: 在深圳的家里,玉兰和郭这对新婚夫妇和他们的女儿小娟一起度过了一个喜庆的结婚纪念日。
En: Inside the Shenzhen family home, Yulan and Guo, a newlywed couple, were joined by their daughter, Xiao-Juan, for a festive wedding anniversary.

Zh: 空气中充满了欢乐、音乐和笑声。
En: The air was filled with joy, music, and laughter.

Zh: 几个星期以来,小娟一直在热切地等待着这个特殊的日子。
En: Xiao-Juan had been eagerly awaiting this special day for weeks.

Zh: 她非常兴奋,用鲜艳的彩带和气球装饰了客厅。
En: She was so excited that she had decorated the living room with bright, colorful streamers and balloons.

Zh: 墙壁和家具上都挂着横幅和标语,上面写着“新婚夫妇结婚周年快乐!
En: The walls and furniture were all draped with banners and signs saying “Happy Anniversary to the Newlyweds!

Zh: ”这是一个美丽的景象。
En: ”

It was a beautiful sight.

Zh: 玉兰和郭受到女儿如此热烈的欢迎,非常高兴。
En: Yulan and Guo were so delighted to receive such a warm welcome from their daughter.

Zh: 他们感谢她体贴的举动,不禁对她充满爱意。
En: They thanked her for her thoughtful gesture and couldn’t help but feel so much love for her.

Zh: 玉兰和郭结婚五年了,他们珍惜在一起的每一刻。
En: Yulan and Guo had been married for five years, and they cherished every moment they spent together.

Zh: 尽管他们之间存在分歧,但他们始终确保将家庭的幸福放在首位。
En: Though they had their differences, they always made sure to put their family’s happiness first.

Zh: 庆祝活动进行得如火如荼,玉兰、郭小娟和小娟享受着每一分钟。
En: The celebration was in full swing and Yulan, Guo, and Xiao-Juan were enjoying every minute of it.

Zh: 他们一边欢呼,一边欢笑,享受着为此次盛会准备的美味佳肴和中国传统菜肴。
En: They cheered and laughed as they enjoyed the delicious meal and the traditional Chinese dishes that were prepared for the occasion.

Zh: 但是突然,就在庆典之中,前门传来了一声巨响。
En: But suddenly, in the middle of the celebration, a loud banging came from the front door.

Zh: 所有人都惊呆了。
En: Everyone froze in shock.

Zh: 这会是谁?
En: Who could this be?

Zh: 玉兰和郭担心地对视了一眼。
En: Yulan and Guo exchanged worried glances.

Zh: 小娟跑到窗前看个究竟。
En: Xiao-Juan ran to the window to get a better look.

Zh: 她往外看,看到了一张陌生的面孔。
En: She peered outside and saw an unfamiliar face.

Zh: 男人身材高大,肌肉发达,脸上带着冷峻的表情。
En: The man was tall and muscular, with a stern expression on his face.

Zh: 他穿着一件黑色长款风衣,手里提着一个公文包。
En: He was wearing a long black trench coat and had a briefcase in his hand.

Zh: 他又敲了敲门,这次敲得更用力了。
En: He knocked on the door again, this time more forcefully.

Zh: 玉兰和郭吓得不敢应门。
En: Yulan and Guo were too scared to answer the door.

Zh: 然而,小娟是一个勇敢的人。
En: Xiao-Juan, however, was the brave one.

Zh: 她大步走到门口打开门,决心弄清楚发生了什么事。
En: She marched to the door and opened it, determined to find out what was going on.

Zh: 男人自我介绍是张先生。
En: The man introduced himself as Mister Zhang.

Zh: 他递给玉兰一封信,让他们看看。
En: He handed Yulan a letter and told them to read it.

Zh: 打开信封,玉兰的手都在颤抖。
En: Yulan’s hands were trembling as she opened the envelope.

Zh: 她震惊地发现里面有一张法院通知。
En: She was shocked to find a court notice inside.

Zh: 玉兰和郭收到了驱逐通知。
En: Yulan and Guo had been served with an eviction notice.

Zh: 看样子,房东已经决定卖掉房子,他们需要在三天内搬走。
En: Apparently, the landlord had decided to sell the house and they needed to move out in three days.

Zh: 玉兰和郭悲痛欲绝。
En: Yulan and Guo were devastated.

Zh: 这是他们的家,他们不知道他们会去哪里,也不知道他们将如何生存。
En: This was their home and they had no idea where they would go or how they were going to survive.

Zh: 他们没有家人或朋友可以依靠。
En: They had no family or friends to rely on.

Zh: 小娟决心帮助她的父母。
En: Xiao-Juan was determined to help her parents.

Zh: 几个月来,她一直在攒钱买一台新笔记本电脑,但现在她决定用这笔钱给家人换个新住处。
En: She had been saving up for a new laptop for months, but now she was determined to use that money to get her family a new place to live.

Zh: 接下来的几天对这个家庭来说是一片模糊。
En: The next few days were a blur for the family.

Zh: 小娟寻找新家,玉兰和郭收拾行李。
En: Xiao-Juan searched for a new home and Yulan and Guo packed up their belongings.

Zh: 尽管他们害怕和焦虑,但他们从未失去希望。
En: Despite their fear and anxiety, they never lost hope.

Zh: 终于,在驱逐通知的最后一天,一家人找到了新家。
En: Finally, on the last day of the eviction notice, the family found a new home.

Zh: 这是一间破旧的小公寓,但它是他们的。
En: It was a small, shabby apartment but it was theirs.

Zh: 玉兰和郭大喜。
En: Yulan and Guo were overjoyed.

Zh: 他们感谢小娟的努力和决心。
En: They thanked Xiao-Juan for her hard work and her determination.

Zh: 一家人搬了进来,很快他们的小家又充满了爱和欢笑。
En: The family moved in and soon their little home was filled with love and laughter again.

Zh: 玉兰和郭庆幸开启了新的征程。
En: Yulan and Guo were thankful for the start of a new journey.

Zh: 每天,玉兰和郭回顾他们的结婚周年庆典和家庭的力量。
En: Every day, Yulan and Guo look back at their wedding anniversary celebration and the strength of their family.

Zh: 他们被提醒他们对彼此的爱和奉献将如何帮助他们克服任何障碍。
En: They are reminded of how their love and dedication to each other will carry them through any obstacle.

Vocabulary Words:
玉兰 : Yulan
郭 : Guo
小娟 : Xiao-Juan
庆祝活动 : celebration
深圳 : Shenzhen
纪念日 : anniversary
彩带 : streamers
气球 : balloons
横幅 : banners
标语 : signs
张先生 : Mr. Zhang
信 : letter
法院通知 : court notice
驱逐通知 : eviction notice
房东 : landlord
笔记本电脑 : laptop
障碍 : obstacle
It was a : 这是一次
unlike any other : 众不同的
family home : 家里
newlywed couple : 新婚夫妇
festive : 喜庆的
wedding : 结婚
joy : 欢乐
music : 音乐
laughter : 笑声
decorated : 装饰
living room : 客厅
eagerly awaiting : 热切
special : 特殊的
warm : 热烈的
thoughtful : 体贴的
differences : 分歧
enjoyed : 享受
delicious meal : 佳肴
traditional Chinese dishes : 中国传统菜肴
banners : 横幅
signs : 标语